Information services on the prices of calls to ported numbers

/ Updated on 19.03.2024

When operators of the fixed telephone service (FTS) and the mobile telephone service (MTS) have tariff plans that may imply that a call to a ported number is more expensive than before portability, they are required to maintain a telephone service providing information on the prices of voice calls, data and short messages to ported numbers. Accordingly, this obligation to provide an information service applies only if a call to the ported number is more expensive than before it was ported.

As a result of changes to the Regulamento da Portabilidade (Portability Regulation, and without prejudice to other forms of information on pricing, as from 13 September 2018, companies offering the mobile telephone service or the telephone service available at a fixed location, with tariff plans which may imply that a call to a ported number is more expensive than before portability, were required to make a telephone information service available, by means of a number that is free for calls originating on the same network, providing information on the prices of calls and non-call related communications (communications other than a call, supported by a signalling message in which the number is used for forwarding) to ported numbers.

According to information provided to ANACOM by operators covered by the current version of paragraph 6 of article 21 of the Regulamento da Portabilidade (Portability Regulation, information services (free for calls originating on the same network) are currently available, as shown in the following table, whose information relates to December 2023:

Operators with obligation to implement the service providing information on the price of calls to ported numbers1


Free numbers to access service providing information
on prices of calls to ported numbers

COLT Telecom


16780 (free for calls originating from own network)



800 450 013 (freephone)



1632 customer care service (free for calls originated on own network)



800 962 029 (freephone) - MEO customers and customers with UZO tariffs

NOS Comunicações


1242 infoportability (free for calls originating from own network)
16109 Corporate line (free for calls originating from own network)

NOS Açores


16161 residential service (free for calls originating from own network)
16169 business service (free for calls originating from own network)

NOS Madeira


16130 residential service (free for calls originating from own network)
16131 business service (free for calls originating from own network)



16808 (free from NOWO fixed or mobile network, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)



16500 (working days from 9 am to 7 pm). Free call from all Oni or NOWO national and mobile fixed networks





12715 (free for calls originating from own network). The free information service accessed through this number is provided through an assistant and is available every day, 24 hours a day, only for calls originating from the own network.

For further information, contact your service provider.

1 Providers with tariff plans which may imply that a call to a ported number, once it no longer belongs to the same network, is more expensive than before it was ported.