Implementing the DMA_substantive and procedural principles.pdf    

Implementing the DMA [documento eletrónico] : substantive and procedural principles / coord. Alexandre de Streel


STREEL, Alexandre de, ed. lit.


Brussels: CERRE, 2024


"In the dynamic landscape of EU digital platforms regulation, we are at a focal point of discussions shaping the future of implementation of the Digital Markets Act – arguably one of the most important pieces of legislation of the current times’ digital policy sphere.
With the DMA aiming for contestability and fairness in digital markets, designated gatekeeper platforms are set to unveil their compliance plans on March 2024. The European Commission, in its unique role as an enforcer, will lead the work of determining non-compliance and ensure that the DMA fulfils its ambitious goals.
However, the success of implementation will depend on the principles on which the new law will be applied. This CERRE report recommends that the DMA implementation process should be guided by the substantive principles of effectiveness, proportionality, non-discrimination, legal predictability, and consistency with other EU laws. Furthermore, the Commission will have to approach enforcement taking into account the procedural principles of responsive regulation and participation, due process, and ex ante and ex post evaluation. The report then applies those principles to series of specific DMA obligations: choice architecture, horizontal and vertical interoperability and data related obligations.
It is also essential to agree on how the Commission, gatekeepers, and third parties will engage with each other. The DMA provides a model of compliance which is not based solely on deterrence; instead, the gatekeepers are encouraged to and will comply by engaging co-operatively with the Commission and third parties. However, it is still up for question how this principle will be applied, what it expects from the stakeholders, and how the Commission itself will exercise its deterring powers to enforce compliance."


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