International communications market report 2012.pdf    

International communications market report 2012 [documento eletrónico] / Office of Communications


REINO UNIDO. Office of Communications


London: OFCOM, 2012


"Global communications sector revenues the total of the telecoms, TV, post and radio sectors - grew in 2011 by 3.7%, reaching £1,322bn. Telecoms sectors generated the largest absolute rise in revenues in 2011, up by £31bn to £936bn. In terms of percentage growth, television revenues grew fastest among the communications industries, by 6.6% in 2011 to £258bn.
Global advertising expenditure grew by 3.8% in 2011 to £298bn, the highest total spend since 2007. While expenditure on internet advertising grew at a compound annual rate of 16.0% between 2007 and 2011, to £48bn, the compound annual growth rate of newspaper advertising was -6.9% falling to £60bn, while for magazines it was -6.8%, falling to £28bn.
In the television and radio sectors, subscriptions generated the largest and fastest-growing proportion of total revenues in 2011. Television subscription revenues grew by 10.5% in 2011 to £133bn and at a compound annual rate of 9.0% between 2007 and 2011. Radio subscription revenues grew by 12.5% in 2011 to £2bn and at a compound annual rate of 8.5% between 2007 and 2011.
The number of fixed-line voice connections remains relatively resilient in the UK, with more fixed-line voice connections per 100 people than in the other markets covered. Although this number fell between 2006 and 2011 in all of the countries which we surveyed, the fall in the UK was among the smallest. Tablet take-up is highest in Spain and Australia (it is 24% in both). Italy and the US have the next-highest claimed ownership (23% and 20%) while in the UK take-up is 19%.
In nearly all comparator countries, consumers say they have reduced face-to-face communication and fixed telephone calls with friends and family. In all eight countries, use of post declined. In contrast, preferences for online communications increased, particularly in the UK and Italy, which showed large increases in the use of email and social networking."


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