• Companies of the PT Group that operate in this market.


  • To ensure access to the switched public telephone network at different points, to negotiate in good faith with the companies that request access and not to remove access already granted to certain resources;

  • To ensure transparency through the publication of the broadband access reference offer (''PT ADSL Network''), with alterations between versions clearly identified, and including SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and compensation for non-fulfillment;

  • To not unduly discriminate in providing access to the network, to give 30 days' advance notice of alterations to wholesale offers (in the case of significant alterations, this period is extended to 2 months), to launch retail offers whenever there are equivalent wholesale offers in the ''PT ADSL Network''and to issue information regarding delivery times, repair of faults and degree of availability;

  • To maintain a costing system and accounting separation;

  • To set cost-oriented prices (broadband access services supported on the switched public telephone network) and price control (''retail-minus'');

  • To make accounting records (cost accounting system) available, including data on revenues received from third parties.