On the general theme of ''Universal Service'', the ANACOM Conference aims to address the key issues currently being raised with respect to the universal service in the electronic communications sector as a result of the reflection underway at both a national and community level. This reflection is taking place, on the one hand, in the context of the review of the framework for electronic communications, which began in November 2007, and on the other, in the context of the liberalisation of the postal market due in 2011.
In this context, and in view of the challenges faced by the universal service in a dynamic society which is undeniably marked by the pace of technological and market evolution, as well as by the changing needs and guarantees of users of electronic communication services, ANACOM aims to host a constructive debate on this theme. It has therefore brought together a prestigious panel, featuring representatives from the sectoral regulators of different countries and bodies representing the sector, corporate leaders and academics, and members of relevant community organisations, among others. The key issues to be addressed include the universal service of electronic communications and the universal postal service, as well as their relationship with competition in the communication markets and user protection.