Representation of the Portuguese State

European Union (EU)

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Universal Postal Union (UPU)

Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal (UPAEP)

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)

European Satellite Telecommunications Organization (EUTELSAT IGO)

International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO)

International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO)

  • European Union (EU)

Council of Transport, Telecommunications and Energy (TTE)

ICP-ANACOM participated, in cooperation with the permanent national representatives (REPER) to the EU, in the postal and telecommunications group.

It also provided support to the government in negotiations in the TTE Council, especially in the following fields:

Review of Regulatory Framework - presented the progress reports (first half) and adoption of political agreement (second half) on proposals for the review of the regulatory framework for electronic communications.

Postal Services - Publication of Directive 2008/6/EC amending Directive 97/67/EC concerning the full accomplishment of the internal market of Community postal services. The main proposal set out in this directive is the opening up of the postal market by 31 December 2010, while at the same time ensuring provision of the universal postal service to all users, irrespective of where they are in the Union.

Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) - Publication of Decision no 626/2008/EC to create, at European level, a common procedure for selection of the operators of mobile satellite systems and establish provisions for the coordinated authorisation by the Member States of the operators of MSS selected to operate in the 2 GHz band, pursuant to Decision 626/2008/EC and Call for Applications 2008/C201/03.

International roaming - Adoption of General Guidelines on the Review of the Regulation of international roaming, with the aim of extending the term of voice regulation, introducing regulation of SMS and data services and increasing measures of transparency.

GSM Directive - Presentation of a proposal amending the GSM Directive (87/372/ECC) which aims to allow the frequencies of this technology to be used for other mobile services.

Digital Dividend - Approval of the conclusions of the Council on the Commission Communication "Reaping the full benefits of the digital dividend in Europe: a common approach to the use of the spectrum released by the digital switchover"

ENISA - Adoption of a general approach on the amendment of Regulation no 460/2004 establishing the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). 

i2010 - Adoption of the conclusions of the Council on i2010 - 2008 Annual Report on the Information Society.

Networks and the Internet of the future - Approval of the Conclusions on the networks and the Internet of the future, based on a Commission communication.

Note should also be made of participation in the World Summit on the Information Society, the Galileo initiatives, WTO, EUROMED, MERCOSUR, Gulf countries whose coordination is ensured at national level by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Committees and Groups of the European Commission (EC)

ICP-ANACOM represented the Portuguese State at the Committees and Working Groups detailed below:

Communications Committee (COCOM)

As part of this Committee's work, approval was given to the following documents:

- Recommendation on the authorization of mobile communications services on board aircraft (MCA services) in the European Community;

- Recommendation on non-technical conditions governing the rights to use radio frequencies, in accordance with the regulatory framework for electronic communications in the context of the Wireless Access Policy for Electronic Communications (WAPECS);

- Recommendation on procedures associated with the notifications, time limits and consultations undertaken pursuant to article 7 of the Framework Directive;

- Report on broadband.

At the end of the year, two proposed recommendation were still under discussion - one on regulated access to next generation networks and the other on the harmonized regulation of termination rates in the European Union.

Particular note should be made of ICP-ANACOM's contribution in developing the first annual questionnaire (for the year 2007) on the implementation of the European 112 emergency number.

This Authority also followed the meetings of the EGEA - Expert Group on Emergency Access and participated in a new working group established to support the Commission in the process of selecting MSS systems in the 2 GHz band, arising from the Decision 626/2008/EC.

Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC)

Of the activity of the RSC in 2008 (Radio Spectrum Committee), note should be made of the adoption of the following draft Decisions:

- Decision amending Decision 2005/928/EC on the harmonization of the 169.4-169.8125 MHz frequency band in the Community, which aims to allow the use of various channelling options, providing users with greater flexibility in the choice of optimal channelling, in accordance with the quality requirements of specific applications for the 169.4000 to 169.4750 MHz and 169.4875-169.5875 MHz bands;

- Decision on the harmonised use of radio spectrum in the 5875 - 5905 MHz frequency band for safety applications in the area of smart vehicle communications (ITS - Intelligent Transport Systems);

- Decision on the harmonization of the 2500-2690 MHz bands for terrestrial systems capable of providing pan-European electronic communications in the Community, without loss of protection and continuity of other uses of this band;

- Decision amending Decision 2006/771/EC on the harmonization of radio frequencies for use by short-range and low-power equipment;

- Decision on the harmonization of the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band for terrestrial systems capable of providing services of wireless broadband access in the Community (BWA - Broadband Wireless Access);

- Decision on the harmonized conditions of use of the spectrum for the operation of mobile communications services on board aircraft (MCA) in the Community, in order to avoid interference to land mobile systems.


Over the course of 2008, TCAM (Telecommunications Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance Committee) looked at issues concerning the implementation of Directive 1999/5/EC of 9 March on radio and telecommunications terminal equipment and mutual recognition of conformity.

Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG)

As part of this group's activities, note should be made of the adoption of two opinions, one on optimizing the regulatory environment of spectrum use and the other on aspects of a European approach to collective spectrum use.

The first opinion characterizes and analyzes the key points of the current situation. It was concluded that the regulatory process governing the use of spectrum/equipment operates satisfactorily, in particular with regard to interaction between ETSI, CEPT and the European Commission (EC), noting however that there are areas of overlap, particularly between the work of the EC and CEPT.

The presented Recommendations are essentially aimed at overcoming these issues and at improving the efficiency of the link between the EC/CEPT and ETSI.

The other opinion concerns the collective use of the spectrum, where by definition, the CUS model provides for the simultaneous use of an undetermined number of independent users and/or applications in specific spectrum bands and in a particular geographical area, by establishing a minimum set of technical conditions, with the primary objective of reducing barriers to spectrum access.

A further Opinion was adopted to support Member States in the coordination of frequencies with countries outside the European Union, which sets out a raft of recommendations to improve and resolve problems of border coordination.

The Working Group on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Working Party)

This group assessed the impact and implications arising from the transposition of Directive 2004/108/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December, aimed at harmonizing Member State legislation in relation to electromagnetic compatibility.

Postal Directive Committee

Of the activity of this Committee in 2008, particular note should be made of the discussion of the implementation process of the Postal Directive, the preparation and accompaniment of the Congress of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the preparation of the postal agenda for 2009.

With respect to the working group established by the Postal Directive Committee in April 2008 to monitor the issues related to the transposition of the Postal Directive 2008/6/EC of 20/02/2008, amending Directive 97/67/EC with respect to full realisation of the internal market for Community postal services, ICP-ANACOM participated in two meetings, which took place in September and October, on safeguarding the universal postal service, barriers to competition and ways to overcome them.

ICP-ANACOM also contributed to sectoral negotiations in the context of the World Trade Organization (WTO), under the European coordination committee (committee 133).

  • International Telecommunication Union (ITU)


The ordinary session of the Council was held in Geneva in November, in the context of the High-Level Segment HLS), and addressed the topics "ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and climate change" and ''Cyber-security''.

Among the items on the agenda, mention should be made of the assessment of the results of the World Telecommunications Standardisation Assembly (WTSA-08).

Furthermore, in connection with Global Cybersecurity Agenda (GCA), the ITU Secretary-General decided to establish a Group of High-Level Experts on Cybersecurity (HLEG) with the objective of providing assistance in the development of strategic proposals for Member States in the five pillars of GCA, including: Legislative Measures, Technical and procedural Measures, Organizational Structures, Capacity Building and International Cooperation.

This group, in which ICP-ANACOM was represented, comprised representatives from government, industry, regional and international organizations, and academic and research institutions, as well as individual experts. As a result of the work, a final report was produced, which can be consulted on the website of the ITU.

Regarding the improvement of the functioning of the Union, where Portugal has taken the lead on behalf of Europe during the debates in the 2006 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-06), it was decided to launch a consultation of all members, with the result of this consultation contributing to the proposal that the Secretary-General will make at the next Council, and subsequently at PP-10.

Reference should also be made to the approval of the creation of a sub-group of the ITU Council Working Group, which monitors the implementation of the outcome of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), to discuss public policy issues related to the Internet, as proposed by WTSA-08.

Portugal/ITU Memorandum of Understanding: WTPF-09 and Centre of Excellence

Regarding the participation of Portugal in the ITU, particular attention should be given to the performance and development of a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Portuguese Government, represented by the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications and the ITU in December 2007, which established a programme of cooperation in the area of telecommunications and the information society.

In this context of this protocol and on behalf of the Government, ICP-ANACOM invited this agency of the United Nations to hold the fourth World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF-09) in our country.

In October, an Agreement was signed between the Portuguese Republic and the ITU concerning the conditions for the organization and financing of WTPF-09, with ICP-ANACOM charged, in cooperation with the ministries and entities involved, with advising the Government in preparing the event, in terms of both logistics and content, whereby preparatory activities were begun in 2008 for the event scheduled for April 2009.

In the context of the ITU and also with respect to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Portuguese government and the ITU, ICP-ANACOM actively cooperated on behalf of Portugal in the creation of a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Portuguese and Spanish speaking African countries (see Section

  • Universal Postal Union (UPU)

24th UPU Congress

The UPU congress, the highest body of this specialised United Nations agency, brings together plenipotentiaries of all member countries every four years. Originally planned to take place in Nairobi, during August, given the violent situation and the social and political instability in the country, the Congress finally took place in Geneva, Switzerland, with Kenya continuing to benefit from the privileges of the host country: to chair the Board during the next cycle and be eligible to be the host country of the Strategic Conference held mid-cycle in 2010. The conference brought together about 2,500 delegates, plenipotentiaries from 179 of the 191 UPU member countries. The Portuguese delegation was composed of representatives from ICP-ANACOM, CTT and the MNE (Mission in Geneva).

Among the most relevant decisions of the Congress, note should be made of the adoption of the Nairobi Postal Strategy and policy of cooperation for the four year period of 2009 - 2012, the new Agreement on Postal Services Fees, the review of the global system of terminal dues for international postal communications, and at an internal level, progress made in reforming the Union and approval of the financial plan for the 2009-2012 four year period. It should also be noted that Portugal was elected as a permanent member of the Postal Operations Council, assuming the role of observer in the Council of Administration until 2012.

Council of Administration and Postal Operations Council

ICP-ANACOM participated in the working groups, committees and sessions of the Administration Council (AC) and Postal Operations Council (POC), together with representatives of CTT. The first joint meeting of both councils began with a World Round Table on terminal dues with the aim of promoting discussion on a new global system of terminal dues to be adopted by the UPU Congress. During the session a proposal was also presented for restructuring the two Councils for the next cycle (2009/2012), with the aim of simplifying the organizational structure of the POC and streamlining resources and reducing costs.

  • Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal (UPAEP)

In 2008, ICP-ANACOM participated in the work of the Executive and Consultative Committee (CCE) and in the Postal Regulation Forum.

It also followed the working groups of Postal Regulation, Technical Cooperation, Strategic Planning, Terminal Dues and Future Development, the last of these chaired by Portugal (CTT). The Forum discussed issues of the universal service and its funding model, the importance of collecting market information and the need for Latin American countries to have their own regulator, since the reality of the postal sector in this region is different from that of Europe.

  • Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development (OECD)

Ministerial Meeting on ''The Future of the Internet Economy''

ICP-ANACOM attended the OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Future of the Internet Economy, held in Seoul in June. There was discussion of issues related to opportunities for economic and social development, convergence, creativity and security. In this context it was concluded that countries should continue to increase efforts to develop an Internet access network, including mobile, with other issues addressed including identity theft, data privacy and network security, as well as the growing interest in environmental issues and the benefits of the Internet.

The meeting culminated with the adoption of the Seoul Declaration which sets out a commitment to facilitate convergence between digital networks, equipment and services, to strengthen confidence in the Internet, network security through infrastructure protection at national and international level, protection of consumers, personal data and digital identities, and the reduction of malicious activity and the use of the Internet's potential to take on global challenges such as improving energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.


ICP-ANACOM was represented at the three meetings held in the context of the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy (ICCP), the OECD body that examines the policy issues arising from the development and application of technologies and services in the area of information, computing and communications, including their impact on the economy and society in general and in the strengthening of cooperation between Member States and non-members.

It is noted that Portugal took over the vice-presidency and that the mandates of the ICCP and its working groups, which will apply until the end of 2013, were reviewed.

Working Party on Information Security and Privacy (WPISP)

During 2008 Portugal, through ICP-ANACOM, continued to fulfil the role of one of the Vice-Chairs of this Working Party. Discussion included the following subjects: Economics of Malware, Digital Identity Protection, Policy for the Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure, Radio Frequency Identifiers (RFID).

  • European Satellite Telecommunications Organization (EUTELSAT IGO)

ICP-ANACOM provided national representation in the National Assembly of Parties of EUTELSAT IGO and in the Advisory Committee, a support body of the organization's executive structure, comprising the Secretariat and the Executive Secretary. In 2008 there were two meetings of this Committee in which analysis was made of the level of compliance by the operator Eutelsat in its operational and commercial activity with the basic principles stipulated by the IGO and their obligations in terms of universal service.

In this context reference should be made to the renewal of the mandate of the Executive Secretary of the organization. Following a proposal of Portugal, it was decided to go ahead with a formal process of nominations to the position, continuing until the end of February 2009.

  • International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO)

The election of the Director General of ITSO was held during the 32nd Assembly of Parties which was organized by ICP-ANACOM, in Estoril in October. The election was contested between a Portuguese candidate and a candidate from Benin, with the Portuguese candidate elected by a large majority. The Director General elect will take up functions in July 2009.

It is noted that this Assembly discussed the precarious financial position of the operator Intelsat and the future of ITSO after 2013.

ICP-ANACOM provides government representation in the Assembly of Parties and for next two years will assume the presidency of the General Assembly.

  • International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO)

ICP-ANACOM provides national representation in both the Assembly of Parties of IMSO, the highest body of the organization, and the Advisory Committee as an observer.

In September/October the 20th Assembly of Parties was held in Malta, where approval was given to the amendments to the IMSO Convention, following the base proposal made by the United States of America. Such amendments have provisional application, and Portugal expressed the impossibility of their application, for constitutional reasons. Essentially, these amendments seek to extend the functions of IMSO to the supervision of future providers of satellite services for the Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) which are authorised for such by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), in a manner identical to that applied to Inmarsat. With respect to the Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT), the amendments will enable the IMSO to assume new functions as LRIT coordinator, a system being developed by IMO to improve safety in maritime transport.

Regarding the GMDSS, the Assembly also discussed the entry of new operators in the system, with approval given to the text of the future Reference Agreement of Public Services.