National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP)

As far as the planning of the spectrum is concerned, note should be made at national level of the annual review of the NFAP, arising from the application of the LEC. Pursuant to this law, ICP-ANACOM, in the course of managing the spectrum, is responsible for planning the use of frequencies in accordance with criteria of availability of the radio spectrum, ensuring the conditions for effective competition in the relevant markets and the effective and efficient use of frequencies.

Pursuant to and in compliance with articles 15 and 16 of the LEC, by determination of 15 October 2008, ICP-ANACOM approved the public consultation of the draft revision of NFAP, which included: an update of the table of frequency allocations which reflected the results of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 (WRC-07), the update of the uses of the frequency bands, the availability of spectrum to the market for the provision MCA (mobile communications on aircraft), GSM-R (communications related to railways), fixed service - FH (opening of new 56 MHz channels at 7 GHz and 13 GHz for radio), point-to-point connections at 74-76 / 84-86 GHz (fixed service), specific UWB GPR/WPR and BMA (ultra-wide band equipment), the updating of licensing exempt equipment, and the inclusion of a set of bands for military management, agreed with the EMGFA - Estado-Maior-General das Forças Armadas (Armed Forces General Staff) for use by exempt equipment operating on a ''no protection and no interference'' basis.

ICP-ANACOM reviewed the comments received through the consultation, and on 17 December 2008 approved the revised version of the NFAP in line with that proposed in the public consultation.