Reformulation of statistical questionnaire on fixed electronic communications and nomadic VoIP Draft decision of 30.12.2010 Published in 10.01.2011
Public tender to audit the results of CTT's analytical accounting system Decision of 30.12.2010 Published in 10.01.2011
Declaration issued to Smart Solutions for the provision of electronic communication services Decision of 30.12.2010 Published in 19.04.2011
Declaration issued to QICOMM for the provision of electronic communication services Decision of 30.12.2010 Published in 19.04.2011
ANACOM Public tender - Purchase of an integrated solution for printing and copying services Decision of 30.12.2010 Published in 19.01.2011
DTT - Decision on the retransmitters and dates of termination of analogue terrestrial transmissions Final decision of 22.12.2010 Published in 05.01.2011
Designation of 790-862 MHz sub-band for electronic communications services Final decision of 16.12.2010 Published in 30.12.2010
Calculation of fees due for the provision of electronic communications networks and services Final decision of 25.11.2010 Published in 17.12.2010
New ''703'' code in National Numbering Plan Final decision of 19.11.2010 Published in 20.12.2010 - Updated in 10.01.2011
Tariff of communications between PTC's network and other operators' network Decision of 19.11.2010 Published in 17.12.2010
Public tender for the implementation and management of the Centralised Information System Decision of 11.11.2010 Published in 16.12.2010
Centralised Information System - items to be registered, terms and format of information Final decision of 11.11.2010 Published in 16.12.2010 - Updated in 20.09.2018
Residential tariff of the fixed telephone service for 2011 Final decision of 11.11.2010 Published in 13.12.2010
Declaration issued to Manuel Soares & Pereira for the provision of electronic communication services Decision of 15.10.2010 Published in 26.10.2010
Declaration issued to SKYNET for the provision of virtual calling card services Decision of 15.10.2010 Published in 26.10.2010
Cabovisão standard contracts for provision of electronic communication services Decision of 14.10.2010 Published in 28.10.2010
ANACOM Public tender - Direct purchase of insurance policies Decision of 07.10.2010 Published in 22.10.2010
Retail market and wholesale markets of terminating and trunk segments of leased lines Final decision of 28.09.2010 Published in 14.10.2010
Study on the quality of the broadband Internet access service Decision of 28.09.2010 Published in 28.10.2010
Designation of 790-862 MHz sub-band for the provision of electronic communication services Draft decision of 28.09.2010 Published in 13.10.2010
Issuance of title to Onitelecom for operation of BWA systems Decision of 16.09.2010 Published in 14.10.2010
Public tender for the purchase of an integrated solution for printing and copying services Decision of 16.09.2010 Published in 27.09.2010
ANACOM public tender - integrated solution of printing and copying services Decision of 02.09.2010 Published in 01.10.2010
ANACOM public tender - Award of contract for the leasing of 5 vehicles Final decision of 26.08.2010 Published in 19.10.2010
Amendment to Universal Postal Service Quality Convention Decision of 26.08.2010 Published in 29.09.2010 - Updated in 01.10.2010
CTT's request for deduction for the purpose of calculating Quality Convention's QSI Final decision of 26.08.2010 Published in 10.09.2010
Declaration issued to LYCATELCOM, Lda. for the provision of virtual calling card services Decision of 20.08.2010 Published in 30.08.2010
Addenda approved to protocol with Cape Verde on b-on library initiative Decision of 19.08.2010 Published in 13.09.2010
Completion of advanced courses for technicians in the communications sector of ARCTEL-CPLP Decision of 19.08.2010 Published in 07.09.2010
Elimination of indicators of quality of service of the statistic form of mobile services Final decision of 19.08.2010 Published in 27.08.2010
Registration revoked of ASL COURIER, Lda. for the provision of postal services Decision of 11.08.2010 Published in 27.08.2010
Registration revoked of Nuno Miguel Alves, Unipessoal, Lda. for the provision of postal services Decision of 11.08.2010 Published in 27.08.2010
Declaration issued to A.T.C. Norte for the provision of of nomadic use voice over Internet (VOIP) services Decision of 06.08.2010 Published in 19.08.2010
Issuance of title to Bravesensor for operation of BWA systems Decision of 05.08.2010 Published in 16.08.2010
Establishment of the amount of regulatory costs arising from the activity of electronic communications networks and services provider Final decision of 30.07.2010 Published in 16.08.2010
Dispute between Radiomóvel and PTC, Sonaecom, TMN and Vodafone Final decision of 30.07.2010 Published in 12.08.2010
Identification of the retransmitters and dates of termination of emissions of the pilot phase of the plan for switch-off Draft decision of 30.07.2010 Published in 12.08.2010
Reassessment of minimum set of leased lines and wholesale terminating and wholesale trunk segments of leased line Draft decision of 30.07.2010 Published in 11.08.2010
Implementation of the ''703'' code in NNP for electronic communications services in networks not available to the public Draft decision of 30.07.2010 Published in 11.08.2010
Statistical indicators for data high-speed networks and services Decision of 30.07.2010 Published in 09.08.2010
Registration revoked of IBERENVIOS - Actividades Postais e Transportes, Unipessoal, Lda. for the provision of postal services Decision of 29.07.2010 Published in 27.08.2010
Declaration issued to Detector Portugal for the provision of electronic communications network and data transmission services Decision of 23.07.2010 Published in 16.08.2010
Public tender for the direct purchase of insurance policies Decision of 21.07.2010 Published in 02.08.2010
Alteration of the universal postal service quality convention (prior hearing) Draft decision of 15.07.2010 Published in 28.07.2010
Revocation of the rights of use of frequencies associated with Muxes B to F Final decision of 12.07.2010 Published in 20.07.2010
Update of the technical specifications of radio interfaces Decision of 01.07.2010 Published in 06.08.2010 - Updated in 20.09.2011
Amendment to universal postal service price convention Decision of 01.07.2010 Published in 15.07.2010
Introduction of mobile communication services on board vessels Draft decision of 01.07.2010 Published in 08.07.2010
Extinction of the obligation to provide statistical information on mobile services switching centres Decision of 17.06.2010 Published in 25.06.2010
Report on administrative costs and charges levied for 2009 (electronic communications) Decision of 17.06.2010 Published in 08.07.2010
Declaration issued to Canary Wharf for provision of virtual calling card service Decision of 15.06.2010 Published in 16.08.2010
Declaration issued to Ginger Telecommunication for the provision of virtual calling card services Decision of 15.06.2010 Published in 15.07.2010
VOIPUNIFY standard contracts for provision of electronic communication services Decision of 08.06.2010 Published in 28.10.2010
Declaration issued to Cardtel Europe for the provision of virtual calling card services Decision of 02.06.2010 Published in 21.06.2010
Temporary supply to AGER of radio frequency monitoring equipment Decision of 02.06.2010 Published in 14.06.2010
Extinction of the obligation to provide statistical information on leased lines Decision of 02.06.2010 Published in 14.06.2010
PT Prime's standard contracts for provision of electronic communication services Decision of 01.06.2010 Published in 21.06.2010
Statistical indicators for high-speed networks and services Draft decision of 27.05.2010 Published in 04.06.2010
Authorisation issued to Door to Door for the provision of postal services Decision of 25.05.2010 Published in 08.06.2010
CLARA.NET's standard contracts for provision of Internet access service and resale of publicly available fixed telephone service Decision of 25.05.2010 Published in 31.05.2010
Market 7 (voice call termination on individual mobile networks) Decision of 18.05.2010 Published in 25.05.2010
Declaration issued to Pinkhair for provision of a public electronic communication network and Internet access services Decision of 14.05.2010 Published in 28.05.2010
Interconnection - Dispute between Radiomovel and PT Comunicações, Sonaecom, TMN and Vodafone (draft decision) Decision of 14.05.2010 Published in 27.05.2010
AR Telecom's standard contracts for provision of electronic communication services Decision of 10.05.2010 Published in 28.05.2010
Extension of deadline for Onitelecom to make payment of the final price due in respect of the BWA auction Decision of 10.05.2010 Published in 21.05.2010
Temporary allocation of additional spectrum to Vodafone Decision of 06.05.2010 Published in 21.05.2010
Tele Larm Portugal's standard contracts for provision of data transmission services Decision of 28.04.2010 Published in 28.05.2010 - Updated in 11.03.2011
PT Comunicações's standard contracts for provision of electronic communication services Decision of 28.04.2010 Published in 28.05.2010
BWA auction - Endorsement of Committee proposal to allocate the respective rights of use of frequencies Decision of 28.04.2010 Published in 19.05.2010
Tariff for ecological range of Direct Mail and Correio Verde (Green Mail) Decision of 28.04.2010 Published in 19.05.2010
Registration revoked of AR TELECOM for the provision of audiotext services Decision of 27.04.2010 Published in 16.09.2010
Registration revoked of Media Capital for the provision of value added Decision of 27.04.2010 Published in 16.09.2010
Registration revoked of Gustavo Manuel Dias da Costa Martins for the provision of audiotext services Decision of 27.04.2010 Published in 16.09.2010
Declaration issued to IBM for provision of Internet access services, voice over Internet services, line resale services and virtual private network services Decision of 22.04.2010 Published in 26.05.2010
Declaration issued to Cable & Wireless for provision of voice telephone traffic resale services, data transmission services and virtual private network services Decision of 15.04.2010 Published in 26.05.2010
Public tender for the acquisition of an integrated print and copy solution Decision of 15.04.2010 Published in 03.05.2010
Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Associated Infractions Decision of 15.04.2010 Published in 21.04.2010
ANACOM Public tender - Award of contract for the leasing of 10 vehicles Decision of 31.03.2010 Published in 23.04.2010
Levels of quality provided by CTT (audit) - 2008 financial year Decision of 31.03.2010 Published in 14.04.2010
Authorisation issued to GIGANTEXPRESS for the provision of postal services Decision of 17.03.2010 Published in 19.04.2010
Declaration issued to DSTelecom Alentejo e Algarve for the provision of a public electronic communications network Decision of 15.03.2010 Published in 06.04.2010
Declaration issued to DSTelecom Norte for the provision of a public electronic communications network Decision of 15.03.2010 Published in 06.04.2010
Declaration issued to Fibroglobal for the provision of a public electronic communications network Decision of 15.03.2010 Published in 06.04.2010
Alterations to DTT network associated with Mux A in Azores Decision of 10.03.2010 Published in 26.03.2010
Markets of voice call termination on individual mobile networks and price control obligation - notification to the European Commission Draft decision of 10.03.2010 Published in 10.03.2010
ANACOM public tender for the development and implementation of a mobile termination costing model Decision of 23.02.2010 Published in 16.03.2010
Tariff for public payphones of the fixed telephone service Final decision of 23.02.2010 Published in 08.03.2010
Alteration of the tariff applicable to communications made from the PTC network to the networks of other operators Decision of 23.02.2010 Published in 08.03.2010
Declaration issued to Gowireless, Lda. for the provision of a Wireless-Lan network Decision of 22.02.2010 Published in 01.04.2010
Quality of service indicators and complaints system of CTT - 2008 Draft decision of 18.02.2010 Published in 26.02.2010
Declaration issued to Voz Original, Lda. for the provision of the virtual calling card service Decision of 18.02.2010 Published in 01.04.2010
Residential tariff of the telephone service at a fixed location (February 2010) Decision of 17.02.2010 Published in 01.03.2010
New period for conduct of BWA tests in the 3.4-3.8 GHz band Decision of 04.02.2010 Published in 12.02.2010
Revocation of the rights of use of frequencies associated with Muxes B to F Draft decision of 29.01.2010 Published in 09.02.2010
Extension of the consultation period with respect to the analysis of the markets of voice call termination on individual mobile networks Decision of 29.01.2010 Published in 04.02.2010
Declaration issued to Ofertaxic, Lda. for the provision of public payphone, voice telephone traffic resale and virtual card services Decision of 29.01.2010 Published in 08.03.2010
Declaration issued to Voipunify, Lda. for the provision of nomadic use voice over Internet (VOIP) services Decision of 29.01.2010 Published in 08.03.2010
Declaration issued to ZZ-NADEEM, Lda. for the provision of public payphone services Decision of 22.01.2010 Published in 08.03.2010
Markets of voice call termination on individual mobile networks and obligation to control prices (drafts) Decision of 14.01.2010 Published in 25.01.2010
Tariff for communications from the PTC network to the networks of other operators Decision of 13.01.2010 Published in 02.02.2010
Telephone directories and information services within the scope of the universal service - ZON/PTC Agreement Decision of 13.01.2010 Published in 29.01.2010
Protocols with the Autonomous Regions to hold amateur aptitude tests Decision of 13.01.2010 Published in 18.03.2010