Net costs of universal service of electronic communications (2007-2009) Decision of 29.12.2011 Published in 21.03.2012
Public tender for acquisition of infrastructure to measure quality of Internet access service Decision of 29.12.2011 Published in 10.01.2012
Applicability of the obligation of selective barring of communications with regard to contracts agreed prior to the entry into force of Law no. 51/2011 Decision of 22.12.2011 Published in 05.01.2012
Reporting of security breaches and integrity failures in electronic communication networks and services and respective public disclosure Draft decision of 22.12.2011 Published in 04.01.2012
Approval of the final decision amending the right of use for frequencies granted to REPART for operation of the mobile trunking service Final decision of 22.12.2011 Published in 29.12.2011 - Updated in 11.01.2012
Municipal Fee for Rights of Way - acceptance of auditing companies Final decision of 22.12.2011 Published in 29.12.2011
Report on the assessment of the quality of service of GSM and WCDMA (UMTS) mobile networks Final decision of 15.12.2011 Published in 25.05.2012
CTT quality of service levels (audit) - 2009 Final decision of 15.12.2011 Published in 23.12.2011 - Updated in 26.12.2011
Registration of Crono Telecom Negócios, Unipessoal, Lda. for the provision of audiotext services Decision of 12.12.2011 Published in 26.12.2011
Declaration issued to Associação Porto Digital for the provision of electronic communications services Decision of 12.12.2011 Published in 15.12.2011
Declaration issued to GoWireless for the provision of electronic communication services Decision of 09.12.2011 Published in 15.12.2011
Transfer of right of use of numbers from Nortenet to G9SA Decision of 09.12.2011 Published in 15.12.2011
Public tender ANACOM - Acquisition of electricity supplies Decision of 30.11.2011 Published in 28.03.2012
Calculation of fees due for the provision of electronic communications networks and services Final decision of 25.11.2011 Published in 24.02.2012
Fixed telephone service - Residential tariff for 2012 Final decision of 25.11.2011 Published in 12.12.2011
Communications tariff - from PTC network to other operator networks (2012) Final decision of 25.11.2011 Published in 12.12.2011
Price-elasticity of consumption demand of retirees and pensioners in assessment of CLSU (net costs of universal service) Decision of 25.11.2011 Published in 21.03.2012
Declaration issued to RANUFONE Unipessoal, Lda. for the provision of public payphone services Decision of 21.11.2011 Published in 30.11.2011
Indication of confidentiality in information submitted to the regulator Final decision of 17.11.2011 Published in 28.11.2011 - Updated in 05.12.2011
Information on coverage, quality of service, and on how to implement site-sharing, to be supplied by providers of the land mobile service (GSM / UMTS) Final decision of 17.11.2011 Published in 28.11.2011 - Updated in 05.12.2011
Regulation on the methodology to be used in formulating and executing plans for monitoring and measuring the intensity levels of electromagnetic fields produced by radiocommunication stations Final decision of 17.11.2011 Published in 23.11.2011 - Updated in 02.12.2011
Authorisation regime governing mobile satellite service (MSS) systems in the 2 GHz band Final decision of 10.11.2011 Published in 29.11.2011
ANACOM revokes right of use of frequencies granted to MobiZAPP for the mobile trunking service Final decision of 10.11.2011 Published in 17.11.2011
Draft decision to amend the right of use of frequencies granted to REPART to operate the mobile trunking service Draft decision of 10.11.2011 Published in 17.11.2011
Procedures to be followed in evaluating quality of service in regulated wholesale offers - consultation extended Decision of 10.11.2011 Published in 16.11.2011
Rectification of the regulatory procedure report of the Draft Auction Regulation for the allocation of rights of use of frequencies in the 450 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2.1 GHz and 2.6 GHz bands Decision of 03.11.2011 Published in 04.11.2011
Regulation no. 560-A/2011 of 19 October (Multi-band Auction) - ANACOM extends deadline for submission of applications Decision of 03.11.2011 Published in 03.11.2011 - Updated in 17.11.2011
Public tender launched for auditing of quality of service, complaints and information request indicators reported by CTT - Correios de Portugal Decision of 27.10.2011 Published in 07.11.2011
Draft amendment to Portability Regulation - consultation Draft decision of 27.10.2011 Published in 02.11.2011
Procedures required in the termination, by subscribers, of contracts governing the offer of publicly available electronic communication networks or services Draft decision of 27.10.2011 Published in 02.11.2011
Procedures to be followed in evaluating quality of service in regulated wholesale offers Draft decision of 20.10.2011 Published in 02.11.2011
Obligation to control rates in the wholesale markets of call termination on individual mobile networks - Deadline extended for consultation Decision of 20.10.2011 Published in 02.11.2011
Auction Regulation for allocation of rights of use of frequencies in the 450 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2.1 GHz and 2.6 GHz bands Decision of 17.10.2011 Published in 21.10.2011 - Updated in 17.11.2011
Transfer of the right of use of frequencies of RSF - Radiodifusão to Rádio Renascença Decision of 13.10.2011 Published in 25.10.2011
Decision amending determination on the object and form of disclosure of conditions of provision and use of electronic communications services Final decision of 10.10.2011 Published in 20.10.2011
ANACOM public tender - Design, production and deployment of an educational campaign on digital terrestrial television Decision of 10.10.2011 Published in 30.03.2012
Pricing of the (terrestrial) television signal broadcasting and distribution service (analogue) practised by PT Comunicações Draft decision of 07.10.2011 Published in 17.10.2011
ANACOM public tender - Acquisition of a vector signal analyzer by ANACOM's Centros de Monitorização e Controlo do Espectro (Spectrum Monitoring and Control Centres) Decision of 07.10.2011 Published in 15.11.2011
Consultation on the revision of the obligation to control prices in the wholesale markets of voice call termination on individual mobile networks Draft decision of 03.10.2011 Published in 11.10.2011
Draft revocation of MobiZAPP right of use of frequencies Draft decision of 29.09.2011 Published in 06.10.2011
Authorisation issued to Vasp Premium for the provision of postal services Decision of 21.09.2011 Published in 19.07.2012
Regulation on the methodology for monitoring and measuring intensity levels of electromagnetic fields resulting from radiocommunications station emissions Draft decision of 16.09.2011 Published in 03.10.2011
Registration of Repleto & Genial, Unipessoal, Lda. for the provision of audiotext services Decision of 14.09.2011 Published in 29.09.2011
Evaluation report on the quality of service of GSM and WCDMA mobile networks (UMTS) Decision of 01.09.2011 Published in 19.01.2012
Decision on the complaint of PT Comunicações, regarding the decision on the methodology in calculating the net cost of universal service Final decision of 29.08.2011 Published in 05.09.2011 - Updated in 17.09.2014
Revision for calculating the rate of cost of capital of PT Communicações applicable to 2010 and 2011 Final decision of 26.08.2011 Published in 05.09.2011
International public tender for the acquisition of a Vector Signal Analyzer for ANACOM's Spectrum Monitoring and Control Centres Decision of 26.08.2011 Published in 05.09.2011
Declaration issued to VALICOM for the provision of leased lines, Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and Internet access resale service Decision of 24.08.2011 Published in 05.08.2011
Registration of Registo da Horas Cheias for the provision of audiotext services Decision of 16.08.2011 Published in 24.08.2011
Declaration issued to OPTIMUS for the provision of the broadband Internet access service via satellite Decision of 12.08.2011 Published in 24.08.2011
Registration of CÓDIGOECO for the provision of audiotext services Decision of 12.08.2011 Published in 24.08.2011
Registration of CM International B.V. for provision of value-added services Decision of 10.08.2011 Published in 24.08.2011
ANACOM public tender - Printing, packing and distribution of Guia TDT (DTT Guide) Decision of 10.08.2011 Published in 15.11.2011
Declaration issued to Kubi Wireless S.L. for the provision of public electronic communications network service (Wi-Fi) and Internet access service Decision of 05.08.2011 Published in 24.08.2011
Declaration issued to KVA for the provision of public electronic communications network service Decision of 05.08.2011 Published in 24.08.2011
Declaration issued to MINHOCOM for the provision of leased lines, Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and Internet access resale service Decision of 05.08.2011 Published in 24.08.2011
Decision on dispute between Nortenet and PT Comunicações in context of ''Rede ADSL.PT'' Offer Final decision of 28.07.2011 Published in 16.08.2011
Cross-border dispute between EDA and Optimus over telephone directories Draft decision of 28.07.2011 Published in 12.08.2011 - Updated in 16.08.2011
Cross-border dispute between EDA and ZON over telephone directories Draft decision of 28.07.2011 Published in 12.08.2011 - Updated in 16.08.2011
Cross-border dispute between EDA and Cabovisão over telephone directories Draft decision of 28.07.2011 Published in 12.08.2011 - Updated in 16.08.2011
Cross-border dispute between EDA and AR Telecom over telephone directories Draft decision of 28.07.2011 Published in 12.08.2011 - Updated in 16.08.2011
Revision of the rate of cost of capital of PTC for 2010 and 2011 Final decision of 21.07.2011 Published in 09.08.2011
Declaration issued to F300 for the provision of electronic communications services Decision of 13.07.2011 Published in 01.08.2011
Limitation on the number of rights of use of frequencies in the 450 MHz, 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2.1 GHz and 2.6 GHz bands - closure of consultation Final decision of 13.07.2011 Published in 22.07.2011
Regulation of the auction to allocate rights of use of frequencies in the 450, 800, 900 and 1800 MHz and 2.1 and 2.6GHz bands - closure of the consultation Final decision of 13.07.2011 Published in 22.07.2011
Calculation of the costs of regulation for the purpose of 2011 fees - electronic communications Decision of 07.07.2011 Published in 04.08.2011
Public Tender for the design, production and deployment of an educational campaign on DTT Decision of 07.07.2011 Published in 22.07.2011
Methodological definition with respect to the development and implementation of a cost model for mobile termination Decision of 01.07.2011 Published in 19.07.2011
Radio licensing exemption for ESV work stations and radio determination stations installed on-board vessels Decision of 29.06.2011 Published in 18.07.2011
Decision on the definition of excessive burden and methodology for calculating the net costs of the universal service of electronic communications Final decision of 09.06.2011 Published in 21.06.2011
Public tender for the printing, packing and distribution of the Guia TDT (DTT Guide) Decision of 09.06.2011 Published in 21.06.2011
Declaration issued to Alcaria for the provision of electronic communications services Decision of 08.06.2011 Published in 01.08.2011
Declaration issued to Knewon for the provision of electronic communications services Decision of 08.06.2011 Published in 01.08.2011
Deadline extended for consultation on the authorization regime of the systems providing mobile satellite services (MSS) in the 2 GHz band Decision of 02.06.2011 Published in 03.06.2011
Transfer from Onitelecom to F300 of the BWA right of use for frequencies Decision of 26.05.2011 Published in 08.06.2011 - Updated in 17.06.2011
Administrative costs and fees collected in 2010 concerning electronic communications Decision of 26.05.2011 Published in 03.06.2011 - Updated in 14.06.2011
Correction of PTC's non-compliances within the scope of DTT Decision of 26.05.2011 Published in 01.06.2011 - Updated in 03.06.2011
ANACOM public tender - Audit of results of CTT’s analytical accounting system Decision of 19.05.2011 Published in 28.06.2011
Ex-ante prohibition of unfair commercial practices within the DTT transition process Decision of 19.05.2011 Published in 25.05.2011
New version of the Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Associated Infractions Decision of 19.05.2011 Published in 30.06.2011
Transfer of right of use of frequencies from NRT - Norte Rádio e Televisão to Rádio Clube de Chaves Decision of 12.05.2011 Published in 25.05.2011
Declaration issued to Satlynx GmbH for the provision of electronic communications services Decision of 10.05.2011 Published in 02.06.2011
Consultation on the authorization regime of mobile satellite services in the 2 GHz band Draft decision of 05.05.2011 Published in 11.05.2011
Amendment of right of use of FWA frequencies allocated to Onitelecom Final decision of 15.04.2011 Published in 06.05.2011
Revoked the right of use of frequencies associated to T-DAB service Final decision of 15.04.2011 Published in 27.04.2011
Revision of the rate of cost of capital of PTC referring to 2010 and 2011 - consultation Draft decision of 07.04.2011 Published in 15.04.2011
Decision on the grant of subsidy for DTH installation and equipment Final decision of 07.04.2011 Published in 15.04.2011 - Updated in 21.04.2011
Alterations to operating channel of DTT Mux A in Mainland Portugal Final decision of 04.04.2011 Published in 15.04.2011
Decision on DTT information and promotion campaign Final decision of 31.03.2011 Published in 06.04.2011 - Updated in 18.04.2011
Extension of deadline to consultation on NTFA 2010-2011 Decision of 31.03.2011 Published in 05.04.2011
Extension to the deadline to the consultation on the limitation of the rights of use of frequencies in the 450, 800, 900, 1800 MHz and 2.1 and 2.6 GHz bands Decision of 31.03.2011 Published in 05.04.2011
Decision on the grant of a subsidy for purchase of DTT equipment Final decision of 24.03.2011 Published in 05.04.2011 - Updated in 12.04.2011
2010-2011 version of NTFA submitted to consultation Draft decision of 24.03.2011 Published in 01.04.2011
Authorisation issued to Augusto José Concha Encarnado for the provision of postal services Decision of 23.03.2011 Published in 20.04.2011
Declaration issued to Verizon Portugal for the provision of electronic communication Decision of 23.03.2011 Published in 19.04.2011
Consultation on the development and implementation of a cost model for mobile termination Decision of 18.03.2011 Published in 06.04.2011
Draft Auctioning Regulation for allocation of rights of use of frequencies in the 450, 800, 900, 1800 MHz and 2,1 and 2,6 GHz bands Draft decision of 17.03.2011 Published in 21.03.2011
Draft decision on the limitation of the number of rights of use of frequencies in the 450, 800, 900, 1800 MHz and 2,1 and 2,6 GHz bands Draft decision of 17.03.2011 Published in 21.03.2011
Authorisation issued to A SUA PRESSA for the provision of postal services Decision of 09.03.2011 Published in 20.04.2011
New statistical indicators for fixed electronic communications and nomadic VoIP Final decision of 03.03.2011 Published in 16.03.2011
Revocation of the right of use of frequencies associated to TDAB service Draft decision of 03.03.2011 Published in 15.03.2011
Alteration of right of use of frequencies of Onitelecom (FWA) Draft decision of 03.03.2011 Published in 15.03.2011
CTT - Authorization for deduction of records in calculating QSI Decision of 25.02.2011 Published in 18.03.2011 - Updated in 25.03.2011
Further consultation period extension on the calculation of the net cost of the US of telecommunications Decision of 17.02.2011
Extension to consultation being held on calculation of the net costs of the US of telecommunications Decision of 11.02.2011 Published in 17.02.2011
Declaration issued to ViaSat for the provision of electronic communication services Decision of 10.02.2011 Published in 19.04.2011
Definition of excessive burden and methodology for calculating the net costs of US (telecommunications) - consultation Draft decision of 27.01.2011 Published in 04.02.2011
Amendments to statistical questionnaires of the land mobile service (GSM/UMTS) Draft decision of 20.01.2011 Published in 14.02.2011
Protocol with FCCN to develop a pilot of the User-ENUM service Decision of 13.01.2011 Published in 01.02.2011
Draft amendment to the determination on the object and form of public disclosure of offers of electronic communication services Draft decision of 13.01.2011 Published in 21.01.2011
Report on the impact of termination of portably services for non-call related communications Decision of 13.01.2011 Published in 21.01.2011
Dispute between Nortenet and PT Comunicações in context of ''Rede ADSL.PT'' Offer Draft decision of 13.01.2011 Published in 16.08.2011
Introduction of mobile communication services on board vessels (MCV services) Final decision of 06.01.2011 Published in 19.01.2011
Extension of deadline on consultation on alteration of operating channels of DTT Mux A Decision of 06.01.2011 Published in 10.01.2011