The request

REFER TELECOM requested of ICP-ANACOM the allocation of NNP's E.164 numbering. The company declared that to implement a set of operational requirements it needed ICP-ANACOM to allocate public numbering to its network, supporting its request in EIRENE (European Integrated Railway Radio Enhanced Network) 1 standards currently in force, namely the System Requirements Specification - SRSv.15.

In addition, it referred the importance of establishing interconnection between its network and public operators' networks, especially mobile networks' operators, justifying this operational need on the grounds transcribed below:

  • To enable the communication, per functional address, to and from GSM-R users outside this network’s coverage area (on-call staff in their homes, managers and staff in charge out of working hours/places, etc.);

  • To enable the use of the same radio equipment in cabins of traction units, for communications with the train movements’ security, command and control, in areas not provided with the GSM-R infrastructure, using for the purpose the GSM public network;

  • To enable the provision, on all rail network, of other operational applications which are expected to be supported on the GSM-R/GPRS system, on a transitory basis during the network set-up stage, and definitively  in lines not equipped with the respective infrastructure;

  • To enable the establishment of back-up mechanisms for critical communications, in case of a significant failure of the GSM-R network, in terms of duration and/or extent;

  • To enable the establishment of calls between GSM-R network subscribers and safety authorities, civil protection and firemen.”

The company submitted also a document entitled ''GSM-R International Network Codes'' by the International Union of Railways (UIC) - Annex 1 - which breaks down per European country the several types of numbering resources used in GSM-R networks, including a list of E.164 type codes used in different countries.

1 See GSM-R Specifications