5. Consultation procedures carried out

By determination of 8 March 2013, ICP-ANACOM approved a draft decision (DD) on the evolution of the DTT network1, which was submitted to a prior hearing of interested parties (under articles 100 and 101 of the Administrative Procedure Code - APC) and to the general consultation procedure (pursuant to articles 8 and 20 of the ECL) for a 20-working-day time-limit.

PTC provided its response within the deadline set for the purpose, by letter received at ICP-ANACOM on 9 April 2013.

In the scope of the general consultation procedure, responses were received by the deadline specified from the following bodies and natural persons:

- Abílio Azevedo
- Associação Portuguesa para a Defesa do Consumidor (DECO);
- Blogue TDT em Portugal (Blogue TDT);
- Eliseu Macedo;
- Fernando Gonçalves Andrade
- Flávio Marta;
- José Morais;
- Optimus - Comunicações S.A. (Optimus);
- RTP, Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, SA (RTP);
- TVI, Televisão Independente, S.A. (TVI).

Under article 14 of the Television Law (Law No 27/2007, of 30 July2) the Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (ERC - the Regulatory Entity for the Media) is entitled to be heard in the scope of matters that involve radio spectrum planning for the performance of the television activity. As such, ICP-ANACOM notified this Authority, giving it the opportunity to react to the DD, if it so wished. ERC replied by letter and fax received at ICP-ANACOM on 9 April 2013.

A report on both these consultation procedures was drawn up, which is an integral part of this decision and which includes a summary of arguments presented by PTC in its response to the prior hearing, positions expressed by the various respondents to the DD as well as ICP-ANACOM’s views thereon.

1 Available at Projeto de decisão - Evolução da rede TDT (11.03.2013)https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?categoryId=348081.
2 Amended and republished by Law No 8/2011, of 11 April.