Allocation of the right of use for numbering resources to Vodafone Portugal Decision of 17.09.2024 Published in 30.09.2024
Allocation of a right of use of numbering resources to DIGI Portugal Decision of 06.08.2024 Published in 26.08.2024
Allocation of a right of use for numbering resources to Orange Business Portugal Decision of 08.07.2024 Published in 15.07.2024
Approval of the opening of the regulatory procedure to amend Regulation No 532/2023 of 16 May, which approves the Regulation on the designation of the "49" range of the National Numbering Plan Decision of 29.05.2024 Published in 20.06.2024
Allocation of the right of use for numbering resources to Vodafone Portugal - Comunicações Pessoais Decision of 05.06.2024 Published in 19.06.2024
Approval of the amendment to the right of use for numbering resources granted to MEO Decision of 12.06.2024 Published in 18.06.2024
Allocation of the right of use for numbering resources to MEO Decision of 02.05.2024 Published in 18.06.2024
Allocation of the right of use for numbering resources to Orange Business Portugal Decision of 20.05.2024 Published in 07.06.2024
Allocation of the right of use for numbering resources to DIGI Portugal Decision of 15.05.2024 Published in 04.06.2024