4. Decision

In the light of the above, the Management Board of ANACOM, pursuant to its Decision of 10 November 2011, to articles 15, 16, 16-A, 27, 30 and 32, all of the Electronic Communications Law, and under point q) of paragraph 1 of article 26 of its Statutes, approved by Decree-Law No. 39/2015, of 16 March, hereby determines:

1.  To award to EML a right of use for frequencies for the Mobile Satellite Service (MSS)  on the national territory, in sub-bands of the 1995-2010 MHz and 2185-2200 MHz  frequencies, covering both the satellite component and the ground component (CGC).

2.  To establish the conditions to which EML is subject in the scope of its activity and  conditions attached to the awarded right of use, under the draft certificate in annex to  this determination, which is deemed to be an integral part hereof.

3. To submit the draft certificate of the right of use for frequencies in annex hereto to the  prior hearing of EML, under article 100 et seq. of the Administrative Procedure Code  (approved by Decree-Law No. 442/91, of 15 November), setting a deadline of 10 working days for the company to assess the matter in writing.

4. To amend the National Frequency Allocation Table (NFAT) in force so as bring it in line  with this determination.