Granting of station licensing (for onshore installation/use)

Use of a maritime mobile service station with onshore installation/use in Portugal requires radio licensing issued by ANACOM; applications for licensing should be made online on this website, in the reserved area - Radio licensing (e-Lic) - the applicant must be registered. Alternatively, it is possible to use form “Modelo 131”, which is available in services/forms area.

The items required for licensing are detailed in Regulation no. 144/2015 of 25 March (Regulamento do Licenciamento Radioelétrico - Radio Licensing Regulation).

Authorisation for use of an onshore maritime mobile service station requires the applicant to demonstrate that he has authorisation to pursue the activity at the desired location, for which a radiocommunications station of this service is required.

Requests for the use/licensing of ship stations, as set out in Decree-Law no. 179/97 of 24 July, are to be submitted to the authority responsible for maritime regulation and enforcing maritime legislation: Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services).