
/ Updated on 02.07.2020

The signing of a Cooperation Protocol, in February 1998, gave a formal framework to cooperation with Guinea-Bissau. This protocol laid the foundations for the creation of a regulator in Guinea-Bissau, and subsequently regulated the relations of cooperation between ANACOM and the then ICGB - Instituto Nacional das Comunicações da Guiné-Bissau (National Institute of Communications of Guinea-Bissau), current ARN - Autoridade Reguladora Nacional (National Regulatory Authority).

In this context, cooperation with ANACOM aims to support the gradual progress of communications in Guinea-Bissau and contribute to the affirmation of the ARN in the sector. Under these terms, the ARN's technical personnel, as is the case of all the other Portuguese-speaking partners, have participated in training actions ministered over recent years by ANACOM.

More recently and given the need to respond to new demands of the industry and of the regulator itself, a new cooperation memorandum was signed on 21 May 2018, under which new instruments of cooperation were defined.