4 - Net Worth and Investment

/ Updated on 16.04.2002

The investment made by ICP in 2000 was PTE 892 million, 31% less than what was budgeted for the period under review.

1989 258 1993 481 1997 738
1990 317 1994 1.000 1998 948
1991 689 1995 1.875 1999 602
1992 612 1996 884 2000 892
Unit: PTE 106

  PTE 103 Euros 103
GRAND TOTAL 9.296 46,37

The investment made in 2000 was higher than ICP's annual average, which is approximately, PTE 800 million.

What indeed contributed to this level of investment was the following:

    • Substitution of the telephone exchanges of the Head Office, Barcarena and Oporto, in the order of PTE 73,808,000.

    • Fitting out and technical renovation of the IT systems - hardware and software, in the order of PTE 598,870,000.

    • Fitting out and annual renovation of the Institute's fleet of vehicles, in the order of PTE 31,565,000.

    • Improvement in buildings owned by the Institute, in the order of PTE 91,612,000.

    • Fitting out and renovation of various basic equipment pieces necessary for the technical areas of the Institute, in the order of PTE 36,495,000.

    • Fitting out and renovation of administrative equipment, especially substitution of photocopying machines, acquisition of furniture, etc., in the order of PTE 23,157,000.

    • Improvement and refurbishment works in buildings not belonging to ICP, in the order of PTE 36,413,000.

The net worth undergo any significant changes, where it may be useful to point out that the gross sum of the fixed assets this year once again registered an increase compared with the previous year (6.9%). As accumulated amortization and depreciation also increased just as did the gross fixed assets, the net book value remained very much the same as in 1999.

EVOLUTION IN FIXED ASSETS 1998 1999 2000 2000
Euros 106
VAR 00/99
Gross fixed assets 9.868 9.811 10.486 52 675 6,9%
Amortization and depreciation -4.987 -5.308 -5.956 -30 -648 12,2%
Net fixed assets 4.881 4.503 4.530 23 27 0,6%

Unit: PTE 106 e Euros 106

It may be pointed out that the investment effort made by ICP was designed to keep up with the pace of technological development in the field, both domestically and internationally. And this is reflected in the increase in gross fixed assets being higher than amortization and depreciation, although the accumulated sum of the latter continues to increase in absolute terms.

The variation in the fixed assets as per major items is what is shown in the following chart:

Euros 103
Total Investment in the year 891.920 4.449
Deferred costs - refurbishing works -36.413 -573
Investment in tangible fixed assets 855.507 3.876
Amortization and depreciation in the fiscal year -815.847 -3.973
Disinvestments -12.612 -63
Regularizations 375 2
Reduction in the net fixed assets 27.423 -1.886

Unit: PTE 103 e Euros 103