2. Aim and attributions

The object of ICP-ANACOM is to regulate, oversee and represent the communications sector, pursuing to that end its attributions according to an integrated perspective of communications development in Portugal.

In the market regulation context, the Authority: guarantees access to networks by communications operators in transparent and equal conditions; encourages competitiveness and the development of communications markets, specifically with respect to convergence of telecommunications, the media and information technologies; assigns titles for the exercise of postal and telecommunications activity; and oversees management of the radio spectrum, ensuring co-ordination between civil, military and paramilitary communications, and of numbering in the communications sector.

In market supervision ICP-ANACOM is responsible for applying and ensuring compliance with the applicable laws, regulations and technical requirements in the scope of its attributions, as well as communications operators? fulfilment of the provisions in their respective operating titles or concession contracts. It also ensures the existence and availability of a universal communications service, both in the postal and telecommunications sectors, guaranteeing compliance with the corresponding obligations; assures correct use of assigned numbering and spectrum resources; and protects the interests of consumers, particularly users of the universal service, in co-ordination with the appropriate bodies, specifically encouraging consumer clarification.

Regarding representation of the communications sector, ICP-ANACOM is responsible for: technical representation of the Portuguese State in international counterpart organisations, for accompanying the activity of like regulatory entities and foreign communications regulation experience, and establishing relations with other regulatory entities; working with other public and private entities to encourage scientific investigation applicable to telecommunications, as well as national and international promotion of the sector; encouraging technical standardisation, together with other organisations, in the communications sector and related areas; working to define policies for civil emergency planning of the communications sector, technically supporting the bodies and services responsible for setting up and managing the integrated emergency communications network; undertaking studies in the areas of postal communications and telecommunications, as well as the realisation of projects to promote access to the information and knowledge society.

To pursue its duties, the Authority is responsible for advising the Government, at its request or on own initiative, on definition of the strategic lines and general policies for communications and the activity of communications operators, suggesting or proposing measures of political or legislative nature in matters related with its duties, and should also take part in the overall strategic definition of communications development, particularly in the context of convergence, carrying out such studies as needed for that purpose; drawing up regulations in cases envisaged by law and carrying out processes involving public consultations and expressions of interest, specifically concerning the introduction of new services or technologies; assigning spectrum and numbering resources; co-ordinating with the appropriate body the application of competition law in the communications sector; evaluating  equipment and material conformity and defining the requirements for their commercialisation; and arbitration and resolution of litigation in the communications scope .

Efficient realisation of its assigned attributions, along with the specific nature of the communications sector, associated to constant innovation, have imposed upon ICP-ANACOM a broad-ranging normative power, while being a true authority for the regulation and supervision of communications. Thus, beyond issuing binding individual and tangible acts and formulating tangible recommendations, filing and compiling evidence for legal cases and punishing infractions within its competence, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the communications sector, monitoring the activities of entities subject to its supervision and the functioning of the communications market, ICP-ANACOM may also issue those regulations it deems necessary for the pursuit of its functions.