2.2 CTT contribution towards the postal sector and Portuguese economy

/ Updated on 08.05.2003

Taking into account the qualified enterprises (pursuant Decree-Law 150/01) to provide postal services in 2001, in that year the value of operational profits of the postal sector rose to 765.732 thousands of Euros, which meant a growth of about 7% compared to year 2000. Of the total operational profits in 2001, about 88% came from CTT12https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=55141 .

According to a study on the postal sector, requested by ANACOM to a consulting company, CTT market share, concerning total profits of correspondence market  (excluding, namely, postal packets and express mail) was in 1999, 82%.

That study further reveals the perspective of domestic market growth at an annual rate of about 3% between 2000 and 2005, and the overseas correspondence market of about 5% per year, on the same period.

The period comprised between 1997 and 2001 saw the gradual weight growth of the postal sector on the PIB (Gross National Product - GNP), as can be seen on the graphic representation 1.

In 2001, the contribution of the sector for the PIB measured, taking into account operational profits/PIB, was 0,62%. Of this contribution, 92% was related to CTT.

Graphic 1 - Weight of postal services on PIB

Graphic 1 - Weight of postal services on PIB
(Click on the image to see the graphic in a new window)

Source: Annuary Statistics of ANACOM 2001

Concerning employment, the postal sector employed 0,39% of the total employment of the Portuguese economy in 2000 and 0,38% in 2001. On the same period, CTT employed respectively, 0,36% and 0,35% of the total employment of the Portuguese economy13https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=55142.


12 Source: Annuary statistics ANACOM 2001 and CTT Account Reports.
13 Source: Annuary statistics ANACOM 2001 and CTT Account Reports.