5. The role of communications in development of the information society

The ?information society? concept refers to a mode of social and economic development in which the acquisition, storage, processing, value, transmission, distribution and dissemination of information leading to the creation of knowledge and the satisfaction of citizens? and enterprises? needs plays a central role in economic activity, the creation of wealth, the definition of citizens? quality of life and their cultural practices. 

The information society is consequently one that functions through increasing recourse to digital information networks. This change in the area of economic activity and the factors determining social well-being results from the development of new information, audiovisual and communications technologies with important ramifications and impacts on work, education, science, health, leisure, transports and the environment, among others.

Encouragement of development of the information society is thus a goal traversing all sectors of activity, and is considered crucial in the framework of communications regulation, with a significant impact on users and consumers.