Radio Fees

/ Updated on 11.10.2019

The use of stations and networks subject to radio licensing requires the payment of the applicable fees, the amounts of which are set out in Administrative Rule no. 1473-B/2008, of 17 December, in its current wording.

In cases of temporary licences - associated, for example, with sport events of limited duration - the radio spectrum usage fees shall be settled upon the compliance with the request.

Urgency Fee: If the application for temporary licensing is not submitted to ANACOM up to ten days prior to the date on which it is proposed the radio licence should come into force, the applicable fee will be increased by 50% of its value with a minimum of 75 euros. 

Minimum Fee: The value of € 50 is the minimum value of spectrum fee applicable to stations or networks of each radiocommunications service/application to be used for temporary events, is 50 euros.

Radio fees can be paid either by any of the methods listed below or at the Public Attendance offices in ANACOM's headquarters or in its delegation in the Azores or Madeira, located at the following addresses

Methods of payment

In Portugal


Bank Transfer

Bank Transfer


Bank draft issued against a Portuguese bank

Cash machine




Postal order