

Services Ancillary to Programme-making (SAP): support the activities carried out in the making of programmes, such as film making, advertisements, corporate videos, concerts, theatre and similar activities not intended for broadcasting to the general public.

Services Ancillary to Broadcasting (SAB): support the activities of broadcast service companies carried out in the production of their programme material.

The SAP/SAB services, apart from including ENG/OB applications, also include the service links that may be used in the production of programmes, such as talk-back or personal monitoring of sound-track, telecommand, telecontrol and similar applications.

Electronic News Gathering (ENG): the collection of video and/or sound material without the use of film or tape recorder, using small, electronic cameras and/or microphones with radio links to the news room.

Outside Broadcasting (OB): the temporary provision of programme making facilities at the location of on-going news, sport or other events, lasting from a few hours to several weeks. Outside Broadcasts are generally planned in advance. Video and/or sound reporting radio links (channels) might be required for mobile links, portable links and cordless cameras or microphones at the OB location. Additionally, video and/or sound reporting radio links may be required as part of a temporary point to point connection between the OB vehicle and the studio.

Frequency bands

The frequency bands identified per each type of SAP/SAB application are as follows:

Type of SAP/SAB application

Frequency bands

Radio microphones and In-ear monitoring

174-216 MHz

470-694 MHz1

823-832 MHz
863-865 MHz
1785-1804,8 MHz


440-450 MHz

Portable audio links

Mobile audio links

Temporary point-to-point audio links


Cordless cameras

2010-2110 MHz

2200-2244 MHz

2260-2290 MHz

2483,5-2500 MHz

10,0-10,45 GHz

10,5-10,55 GHz
10-59-10,63 GHz

Portable video links

2010-2110 MHz

2200-2244 MHz

2260-2290 MHz

2483,5-2500 MHz

10,0-10,45 GHz

Mobile video links (onboard vehicular)

2010-2110 MHz


2260-2290 MHz

2483,5-2500 MHz

Temporary point-to-point video links

Fixed service bands (Note)

10,00-10,45 GHz

21,2-24,5 GHz

Note: Temporary point-to-point video links should preferably be accommodated in the traditional fixed services bands, following the same channel arrangements.

Operating frequencies are assigned on a case-by-case basis and for a specific area, according to the ''first come first served'' principle.

Fee table

In accordance with article 13 of Decree-Law no. 151-A/2000, of 20 July, in its current wording, radio temporary licences may be granted for a period not exceeding one hundred eighty days, and may be renewed once and for a period of time. The use of stations and networks subject to radio licensing requires the payment of the applicable fees, the amounts of which are set out in Administrative Rule no. 1473-B/2008, of 17 December, in its current wording.

The value of the usage fees to be collected is reached by using the following formula:

  • Applicable annual fee x (no. of days of licence validity / 360 days).

For occasional audio and video links, the applicable annual fees are as follows:

SAP/SAB - Annual fee

Video links (per frequency)

€ 160,00 x LF

Audio links (per frequency)

€ 2,250,00

Where LF = Channel bandwidth (MHz)

Urgency Fee: If the application for temporary licensing is not submitted to ANACOM up to ten days prior to the date on which it is proposed the radio licence should come into force, the applicable fee will be increased by 50% of its value, with a minimum of 75 euros.

Minimum Fee: The value of 50 euros is the minimum value of spectrum fee applicable to stations or networks of each radiocommunications service/application to be used for temporary events.

1 It should be noted that the 470-694 MHz frequency band is also used by the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) service. In order to avoid the use of radio microphones overlapping radio channels assigned to the DTT service, in the regions where they are in operation, you can use our interactive DTT frequency map, which presents the available frequency bands for SAP/ SAB applications (audio) in the different regions of Mainland Portugal and in the Autonomous Regions.