Postal Services - statistics released with respect to 3rd quarter 2009

Postal traffic during the 3rd quarter of 2009 (3Q09) totalled around 273 million objects, of which 57.6 million (21.1 per cent) belonged to the liberalised area and 214.9 million (78.9 per cent) belonged to services of the reserved area.

Of the total number of objects distributed during the quarter, around 96 per cent were destined for the national market, while the remaining 4 per cent were destined for the international market. By type of object, around 98 per cent of postal traffic is comprised by correspondence, with parcels making up only 2 per cent.

The statistics reported for 3Q09 also indicate that traffic in the liberalised area declined by 6.7 per cent compared to the previous quarter and by 6.8 per cent compared to the same quarter of 2008. This fall is in line with the declining trend seen in liberalised postal traffic over recent years: in comparison with the third quarter of 2006 (when the 2nd phase of postal liberalisation took effect), this type of traffic has fallen by around 20 per cent.
