Developments in the EU

Two decisions arose, in the scope of the Galileo satellite navigation system, from the meeting of the Transports, Telecommunications, and Energy Council, held in Brussels on 21 April 2005: on the one hand, the Commission was authorized to open negotiations with Morocco, aiming to prepare for a cooperation agreement on the development of a civil system of global satellite navigation, and on the other hand the general guidelines for the deployment and commercial operating phases of Galileo were formalized.

The Council for Economic and Financial Affairs (Econfin) adopted, in the respective meeting held on 12 April, the Safer Internet Plus multiannual Community programme in order to promote a safe use of the Internet and of new digital technologies, following a political agreement reached at the meeting of the Transports, Telecommunications, and Energy Council, on 9 and 10 December 2004. This programme, which shall take place from 2005 to 2008, is a follow-up to the Safer Internet Action Plan which ended in 2004, and has a budget of 45 million euros. The following action lines are comprised: fighting illegal content; tackling unwanted and harmful content; protection of data and of consumers.

Applications for this year’s edition of the eEurope Awards for eGovernment - 2005 can be submitted up to 1 June, aiming to award the best practices in transforming public services, on a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Institute of Public Administration.

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