Offer of new electronic communication services by RADIOMÓVEL

ANACOM has given approval to the final decision on the offer of new electronic communication services by RADIOMÓVEL Telecomunicações, S.A., having decided, in general terms, the following:

  • To allow the use of SMRP-CDMA 450 MHz frequencies of RADIOMÓVEL in the local access network for the provision of telephone services provided at a fixed location and of the nomadic use VoIP service by the company, with the typical characteristics of the service as presented to ICP-ANACOM respecting the applicable conditions;

  • To recognise the right of RADIOMÓVEL to use the ''2'' numbering range of the National Numbering Plan (PNN) in respect of the telephone service provided at a fixed location and the right to use the ''30'' numbering range in respect of nomadic use VoIP service, provided that there is compliance with the conditions set forth;

  • Determine to RADIOMÓVEL that it maintains a register of all the terminals which it operates in respect of the telephone services provided at a fixed location and of associated BTS (Base Transceiver Station);

  • To determine to RADIOMÓVEL that it presents to ICP-ANACOM, within a period of 15 working days, the description of the technical process underlying the selection of BTS in respect of the telephone service provided at a fixed location and the nomadic use VoIP service; and

  • To determine to RADIOMÓVEL that it presents clear and transparent information to end users on the characteristics of the telephone service provided at a fixed location and of the nomadic use VoIP service.

Approval was also given to the report on the prior hearing and general consultation procedure held on the respective draft decision of 13 February 2008.

This decision process was instigated following the communication of RADIOMÓVEL, with respect to the commencement of the offer of two new electronic communication services - telephone service provided at a fixed location and the nomadic use VoIP service.
