RIO conditions (reference interconnection offer) for 2008 approved

On 16 May 2008, ANACOM approved a final decision on RIO conditions (reference interconnection offer) for 2008.

According thereto, PT Comunicações (PTC) must amend RIO 2008 within 10 working days from the date of its notification, inserting amendments in question, namely chargeable maximum prices for call termination and origination services, monthly charge per minimum capacity unit, billing and charging services and bad debt liability, porting of numbers and pre-selection activation services, which will be applied as from 12 March 2008.

Moreover, PTC must submit to ANACOM within 20 working days detailed information on services and cost elements that have been used to arrive at the values for billing and charging services and bad debt liability, reported in the reply to the prior hearing on the corresponding draft decision, approved by determination of 19 March 2008, the report of which has now been made available.
