ANACOM receives 42,000 complaints in 2009

In 2009, ANACOM received 41,989 written complaints, 590 requests for information, 45 suggestions, 40 petitions and 178 other types of communications, making a total of 42,842 enquiries addressed to it, in writing, by users of communication services and by the general public.

The overall volume of complaints increased by 24% when compared to 2008, an increase which can be explained in the most part by the increase in the number of complaints entered in complaint books.

Complaints entered in complaint books represented 79% of total complaints received by ANACOM, whereas in the postal sector they represented over 97% of complaints received.

As in previous years, the large majority of complaints referred to the electronic communications sector (79%), followed by the postal sector (18%).

With respect to electronic communications, the Internet access service gave rise to the largest number of complaints per 1,000 customers, followed by the fixed telephone service and the virtual calling card service with 2.48. The subscription television service gave rise to the fourth highest level of complaints.  In terms of the issues raised by the complaints entered in complaint books, issues related to equipment, customer service, technical support and billing were prevalent. In the case of complaints addressed directly to ANACOM, there was a prevalence of complaints about billing (especially situations of mistakes on bills), contracts (with a high incidence of situations related to contractual alterations) and technical assistance.

For the first time in this report, and with respect to the electronic communications sector, ANACOM has disclosed data according to the providers cited in complaints, with data presented initially according to bands.

With respect to the postal sector, the largest number of complaints referred to the correspondence service (about half of total complaints). Meanwhile in complaints addressed directly to this authority, the situations leading to most complaints were those resulting from loss and delay in delivery; meanwhile in terms of the complaints entered in complaint books, the vast majority of situations giving rise to complaints stemmed from problems associated with customer services.

With regard to requests received by ANACOM's Public Attendance Service, 6,022 enquiries were registered, of which 5,232 corresponded to complaints and the remaining 790 to requests for information. The vast majority of requests were made by phone and were connected to the electronic communications sector, with the telephone service at a fixed location the subject of most complaints.


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