Unfair Commercial Practices - Decree-Law 57/2008

ANACOM released a communication on 1 of April setting out the position of this authority with respect to the implications of Decree-Law no. 57/2008 of 26 March for the electronic communications sector.


Lisbon, 1 April 2008


Today saw the entry into force of DL 57/2008 of 26 March, setting out the legal regime applicable to the commercial practices of companies in their relationships with consumers.
The complexity of the problems arising as a result of this new legislation in the Electronic Communication sector makes it necessary for ICP-ANACOM to provide an appropriate definition of the solutions necessary for the supervision of its application in this sector.
Accordingly, ICP-ANACOM will define, within 30 days and without prejudice to the immediate application of the legislation, a set of rules for appraising compliance of the behaviour of electronic communication operators with this legal framework.

José Amado da Silva
Chairman of the Board of Directors


See also: