Margin squeeze assessment of broadband offers provided by the PT Group

On 3 October, approval was granted to the final decision on the method for the assessment of a margin squeeze in broadband offers provided by the PT Group - 1:50 contention offers, as well as to the report on the prior hearing granted to interested parties on the corresponding draft decision, dated 6 June 2007.

This decision, that includes measures resulting from the assessment of the market for wholesale broadband access (market 12 of Commission Recommendation 2003/311/EC of 11 February) defines the method to make operational the ''retail minus'' rule, to which prices of broadband internet access offers provided by the PT Group, with maximum 1:50 contention, are subject, whether they are supported in the public switched telephone network or in the cable distribution network. A minimum difference between monthly revenues per access and monthly costs per access of the ''PT ADSL Network'' (''Rede ADSL PT'') wholesale offer must thus be guaranteed. The method for assessing margin squeezes established in point 3 of determination of 25 June 2003 is consequently replaced.

In addition, it is also provided, among other aspects, that the companies of the PT Group must inform ANACOM of conditions applied at retail level, including any available promotions, ten days ahead of the day on which such conditions are to come into force.

The defined method and respective figures will be updated within one year at the most, in case new data identified by interested parties, duly substantiated, justify this step.


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