RCAO - access to the PTC conduit database

Following the presentation of the conditions governing access by beneficiaries of the RCAO (Reference Conduit Access Offer) to the conduit information service of PT Comunicações (PTC), ANACOM, by determination of 12 March, determined the following:

i) PTC shall maintain two schemes for the provision of information on conduits and associated infrastructure (though access to the Extranet and through the forms making plans available in PDF format and by e-mail) for an additional period of three months (with respect to the date of 1 April 2008, which is set out by these access conditions);

ii) PTC shall provide, within a period of 15 working days, information and clarification on a set of questions, queries and considerations raised by this Authority on the estimated and presupposed costs used to set the price of access, via Extranet, to the conduit information service; and

iii) PTC shall present, if deemed appropriate, within the same period of 15 working days, a tariff that is reformulated in view of the observations of ANACOM and of the responses given under the terms of paragraph 2.

Related information on ANACOM's website: