New reserved online area for ITED/ITUR technicians

From today, June 17, ANACOM is making available a reserved area on its website, which ITED/ITUR technicians can use to send and consult terms of responsibility.

Access to this area is restricted to registered technicians. As registration at ANACOM is currently not a requirement, this can be done in two ways: if the technician is already registered at ANACOM, a pre-registration is performed on the system and an activation key is sent to these technicians, otherwise the technicians who are not registered will have to register on the website themselves.

This area is divided into two sections: "ITED Terms of responsibility" and "ITUR Terms of responsibility", with both of these subdivided into "Project terms" and "Execution terms". It is in these subdivisions that technicians can send or consult the terms already sent.

Technicians may also consult their personal information or change their access password. All services will provide a mobile version, but the option of entering the system has to be performed using the graphic or text version of the relevant page of ANACOM's website.
Public consultation of the terms sent by technicians can be done using the ITED and ITUR terms of responsibility search tool.


See also: