European Commission vacancies for national experts

Vacancies have been announced for Seconded National Experts (SNE) to exercise duties in the European Commission in the Directorate General for External Relations, Directorate General for Information Society, Directorate General of Economic and Financial Affairs and EUROSTAT Directorate General of the European.

Applications should include a letter of motivation written in French or English, clearly identifying the Directorate General and Unit which the applicant is interested in, accompanied by the candidate’s curriculum, also written in French or English. The curriculum must be in the European format, a model of which can be seen on the Europass website. According to the regime covering SNEs, they continue to be employed and paid by their employers during the period of the secondment and will also receive a per diem of (approximately) 117.74 euros from the European institution.

Applications should be sent by email to, by 21 September 2007.

  • Directorate General for External Relations (units A/3, H/1 and F/8)

DG External Relations A-3

DG External Relations H-1

DG External Relations K-8

  • Directorate General for Information Society (units B/2, B/3 and B/5)

DG Information Society B-2

DG Information Society B-3

DG Information Society B-5

  • Directorate General of Economic and Financial Affairs (units C/3 and E/1)

DG Economic and Financial Affairs C-3

DG Economic and Financial Affairs E-1

  • EUROSTAT Directorate General of the European Commission (units B/3 and F/3)



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