Procedure for the designation of the providers of the universal service - public consultation

By joint order of the Minister of State and of Finance and the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communications of 28 January 2008, it is determined that a public consultation be held in order to sound out positions on a range of issues inherent to the process of designating the providers of the universal service and to collect expressions of interest on the part of various market agents in respect of the provision of this services and form of its provision.

Under the terms of the same order, approval is given to the document setting out the questions to be submitted to the market, while ANACOM is charged with launching and conducting the whole consultation process and, in this respect, with receiving and analysing the positions stated by the various bodies in their responses.

Following the consultation, ANACOM will draw up a final report with a summary of the responses and prepare a document with recommendations to the government on a tender process to select the providers of the universal service.

It should be noted that, as stated in the consultation document, the holding of such is in no way binding upon the government in respect of the adoption of any solutions, even where mentioned in the formulated questions.

The consultation, which has duration of 30 working days, closes on 2 April 2008. Therefore comments and observations should be submitted by this date, in writing, sent either in paper version to ANACOM or electronically to Comments expressly marked as confidential by respondents will not be included in the publication of results.
