Safe Internet Project - public presentation

The Internet Segura (Safe Internet) project is to be presented at FCCN - National Foundation for Scientific Computing in Lisbon on 5 July. The project is an initiative of a consortium led by UMIC - the Knowledge Society Agency, also involving the Ministry of Education's General Directorate of Curricular innovation and Development (CRIE), FCCN and Microsoft Portugal. The project forms part of the European project, Safer Internet Plus, and a contract between the consortium and the European Commission is expected to be signed later in the month.

The internet portal will provide information on the safe use of the internet while the Linha Alerta hotline service will allow people or organisations to report content that may be considered illegal (paedophile or xenophobic sites, or site containing extreme violence or other content considered illegal), so that these sites can be later investigated and possible legal action brought.

Further information:

  • Comunicado Imprensa da FCCN

Related information on ANACOM's website: