Pricing conditions for retired people and pensioners

ANACOM has approved, by determination of 17 May 2007, the final decision on the pricing conditions offered to retired and pensioner subscribers to the telephone service provided at a fixed location (FTS) of PT Comunicações (PTC).

The decision is as follows:

(a) The proposal presented by PTC on 13 February with two price plans substituting the current "Retired and Pensioner Subscriber Plan" is not accepted;

(b) It is determined that within the scope of the universal service and with effect from 01 January 2007, PTC shall provide a discount to retired persons and pensioners who are subscribers to a single line of the analogue network and whose household income does not exceed the national minimum wage. This discount shall be 50% of the resale charge for the network line, and may be supplemented, as a commercial option of PTC, by an additional discount of 10% on the analogue access monthly charge and a traffic credit not exceeding €2.30 (excluding VAT);

(c) It is determined to PTC, also with effect from 01 January 2007, that the discount of 50% on the resale of the network line as set out above, shall further be reflected in respect of the SLRO (subscriber line resale offer) where accesses over which services are provided to persons and pensioners who have subscribed a single analogue network line and whose monthly household income that does not exceed the national minimum wage, under the same conditions as those currently in force;

(d) It is determined that PTC shall resubmit to ANACOM, within a period not exceeding 30 working days, a proposal for the simplification of the procedures governing the application of the specific conditions to retired persons and pensioners, with the caution, however, that mechanisms shall be maintained for the controlling the abusive use of schemes which are destined solely for specific groups of customers, considering the revocation of Decree-Law no. 20-C/86 and the present determination, enacting the necessary adaptations in order to ensure general accessibility and transparency.

The report on the prior hearing and on the general consultation procedure to which the corresponding draft decision, as approved by determination of 08 March, was submitted forms an integral part of the present determination.  With respect to the corresponding draft decision, comments were submitted by the following entities: UGC, FENACOOP, PLURICOOP, Instituto do Consumidor (Consumer Institute), Onitelecom, Vodafone Portugal, Sonaecom, TELE2 and PTC, and an opinion of ANACOM's Advisory Council, issued pursuant to its statues, was likewise received.


Consult press release:

Related information on ANACOM's website: