Addition of new codes, ''761'' e ''762'' in National Numbering Plan

ANACOM has decided to include two new codes, “761” and “762”, in the National Numbering Plan (NNP), to be designated as flat-rate per call services. Calls made to these codes will have a tariff ceiling per call of €1 and €2 respectively (excluding VAT). Under the terms of this decision, approved by determination of 4 April 2007, the services identified by these codes are characterised and specific conditions are defined for the granting of rights to use the numbers.

The flat-rate tariff per call service is a way of providing access to goods, services or content, payment for which is made through a telephone call. This makes it is possible for access to always be provided in the same way, through the setting of a single price per call from any point in the country, to a specific number corresponding to the codes for accessing the service.

The new codes will therefore support a service which is identical to that currently being provided by the “760” number range, whose flat-rate and maximum retail price is set at €0.60 + VAT per call.

Approval was given at the same time to the report on the public consultation which was launched following the determination of 11 January 2007 that adopted the corresponding draft decision. This report sets out the position of this Authority and provides an analysis of the responses received within the allocated period. Such responses were received from Buscamind Telecomunicações, COLT Telecom, DECO, FENACOOP, Onitelecom, Optimus, PACSA – Sociedade de Advogados, Pro-AUTP, PT Comunicações, PT.COM and PT PRIME, SCG Telecom (in the name of AR Telecom and WTS), TMN, TVI, UGC, Vodafone Portugal and from Mr. Manuel António Lopes de Freitas.

ANACOM will conduct a review of this determination within a period of one year of its coming into force.


See also:

Related information on ANACOM's website:

  • Numbering