Statistical Yearbook 2005

ANACOM  has published the latest edition of the Statistical Yearbook for the communications sector (electronic communications and post), containing data from 2005.
Following on from the opening chapter which profiles the weight of the communications market in the Portuguese economy, the yearbook presents information on postal services, as well as on electronic communications, including public telephone networks, rented circuit services, fixed telephone and public telephone services, mobile telephone services, trunking mobile services, cable distribution networks, data transmission and internet access services and radiocommunications services.

ANACOM has been publishing the statistical yearbook since 1999 (containing information on 1998), in order to provide the various sector stakeholders with a range of relevant, accurate and up-to-date data that can be used as the basis for key decisions by those who invest, manage and use electronic communications and postal services.ectronic communications and postal services.


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