New WG-UMTS has been established

Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 143/2006, of 30 October, has been published today, establishing the UMTS work group (WG-UMTS), which shall be responsible for monitoring the compliance with obligations entered into by bodies holding licenses for the operation of 3rd generation international mobile telecommunications systems based on the UMTS standard, allocated in the scope of the tendering procedure held in 2000.

The WG-UMTS, which consists of two representatives from ANACOM (one of whom chairs the working group and casts the deciding vote), one from UMIC – Agência para a Sociedade do Conhecimento (Knowledge Society Agency) and one from each UMTS operator (Optimus, TMN and Vodafone), shall meet on a regular basis with a representatives from the Ministry for Public Works, Transport and Communications and for Science, Technology and Higher Education.

Operating in articulation with the WG-UMTS, the Validation Committee is also established, being responsible for assessing and validating projects entered into by operators, as well as for estimating the possibilities of setting up a fund to finance projects which the Government considers to be of a priority nature. This Committee integrates the two representatives from ANACOM in the WG-UMTS (one of whom chairs the committee), one from UMIC, and one from the Management Council of the State's Electronic Certification System.

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers repeals Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 3/2001, of 8 January, amended by Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 134/2003, of 28 August.
