ANACOM Conference 2010 - Net Neutrality: network regulation and content regulation

06.10.2010 LisboaAuditório da Culturgest

Updated on 22.10.2010
Organizer: ANACOM

The fourth ANACOM Conference on Net Neutrality: network regulation and content regulation took place on 6 October 2010, at Large Auditorium of Culturgest, in Lisbon.

The Conference aimed to promote the debate between the participants on matters related to network neutrality, concept associated with both, network operators' behavior in view of the various types of protocols, applications and content, as well as, access by internet users to the services and applications of their choice.

It debated, from the regulatory, market and consumer's perspective, some of the challenges faced by regulatory authorities, namely traffic management and services prioritization, information transparency and consumer protection, ex post and ex ante regulatory intervention, the role of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the European Commission.

Event location

Latitud: 38º44'23.29"N · Longitud: 9º8'26.11"W


Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM)
Av. José Malhoa, 12
1099 - 017 Lisboa

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