Pricing conditions for retired people and pensioners who are PTC FTS subscribers

By determination of 8 March 2007, approval was granted to a draft decision on pricing conditions applicable to retired people and pensioners who have subscribed fixed telephone services (FTS) provided by PT Comunicações (PTC).
This determination, which is retroactive to 1 January 2007, determines upon PTC, within the scope of the universal service, that the company provides retired persons and pensioners who have subscribed a single analogue network line, and enjoy a monthly household income that does not exceed the national minimum wage, with the benefit of a 50% discount on the telephone subscription charge (by reference to the universal service base tariff that applies by default). PTC must also provide, as a commercial option, an additional 10% discount on the analogue access monthly charge and a traffic credit that does not exceed €2,3 (no VAT included).
This 50% discount on the network line resale shall be also reflected at the level of SLRO accesses over which services are provided to persons and pensioners who have subscribed a single analogue network line, with a monthly household income that does not exceed the national minimum wage, under the same conditions as those currently in force.
This determination has been submitted to the prior hearing of interested parties and to the general consultation procedure, a 20 working day time limit having been set for the purpose. Therefore the deadline for receiving comments is 9 April 2007, and such comments should be preferably sent to the e-mail address Once the consultation procedure is concluded, the proposals received will be released on this website and, thus, interested parties should clearly identify any content regarded as confidential.
This determination has also been submitted to the opinion of the Advisory Council of ANACOM, under the relevant statutory provisions.


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