Regulation sets out plans for monitoring and measuring the intensity levels of electromagnetic fields

ANACOM has approved a regulation on the method for monitoring and measuring the intensity levels of electromagnetic fields produced by radiocommunication stations, by determination of 14 February 2007.

This Regulation, which shall be published in the II Series of the Diário da República, pursuant to article 11 of the Statutes of ANACOM, defines the method for the monitoring and measuring plans, to be prepared by bodies qualified to install and use radiocommunication stations engaged in the provision of publicly available electronic communications services. These plans must be submitted to ANACOM for approval, by 30 November each year.

This regulation comprises also a transitory rule for 2008, which states that results presented may also refer to monitoring activities carried out in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. The method adopted by this regulation is valid up to 2011, without prejudice to any amendments deemed necessary by ANACOM. An assessment of this method shall be prepared by the end of the first half of 2011, based on which a new method may be defined for the following years.

The final report of the regulatory procedure to which the draft regulation was subject, following determination of 13 July 2006, is an integral article of this determination. This report includes comments received by the set deadline, from PT Comunicações (on its own behalf and on behalf of PT Prime and PT COM), Onitelecom, TMN, Vodafone Portugal, and Sonaecom (on behalf of Optimus and Novis), the Instituto do Ambiente (Environment Institute) and Direcção-Geral de Saúde (Health General-Directorate).
