Annual Communications Questionnaires

The annual questionnaires on the electronic communications (EC) and postal services (PS) sectors are now available on ANACOM’s website.

For both questionnaires (EC) and (PS) there are two models:  model A for companies that completed the 2006 questionnaire, and model B for new companies whose licenses were issued during 2006.

All operators of networks and providers of electronic communication services are requested to complete the questionnaire under the terms of paragraph 1 of article 108 and point f) of paragraph 1 of article 109 of Law n.º 5/2004 of 10 February.  Providers of postal services operated in competition are requested to complete the questionnaire under the terms of point j) paragraph 1 of article 18 of Decree-Law n.º 150/2001 of 7 May, as amended by Decree-Law n.º 116/2003 of 12 June.

The completed questionnaires should be sent to ANACOM, by post or by email to, and should be sent no later than 30 calendar days following the date on which the faxes requesting their completion were sent to the network operators and service providers concerned.

Any queries about completing these questionnaires can be sent to ANACOM, using the same email address

Annual Questionnaire on Electronic Communications - Model A

Annual Questionnaire on Electronic Communications - Model B
