Residential Tariff for Universal Service fixed-line telephone services

By determination of 18 January 2007, ANACOM approved a draft decision on the tariff proposal for residential customers of the fixed-line telephone service (FTS) provided within the scope of the Universal Service submitted by PT Comunicações (PTC) on 20 December 2006. This determination integrates the reports on the prior hearing and general consultation procedure launched following determination of 28 September 2006, concerning a previous proposal of PTC, in the scope of which, in addition to an individual reply, the following contributions were received: Vodafone Portugal, OniTelecom, PTC, SGC Telecom Group, SonaeCom, Tele 2, ACOP, APDC, Pluricoop, Fenacoop, UGC and DECO. Under the determination now approved, ANACOM does not oppose the tariff proposal, as long as a number of conditions are fully and cumulatively complied with.

Thus, on the one hand, the tariff must comprise two options for the analogue access modality: the one which corresponds to the monthly payment currently in force, rendering free-of-charge the traffic during the NIGHTS period, and another, which is optional, with a price lower than that of the monthly payment currently in force by at least 50 cents, to which applies the current NIGHTS period tariff.

PTC must guarantee the right to choose between these two options, including for this purpose an advertising space in the bill of each FTS residential customer, with a factual and relevant description, deemed appropriate for each of the available options.

On the other hand, this tariff shall only come into force after a determination of ANACOM confirming that the companies of the PT Group have met the conditions attached to the provision of packages that charge a single price for the network line and traffic (as set out by the determination of 14 December 2005).

PTC must also grant, without prejudice to the normal and periodic price review of the reference interconnection proposal, a reduction by 10% on each component of the time-based interconnection model (activation price and price per minute), comprising call origination and termination. Prices thus reduced apply for the calculation and setting of the time-based interconnection prices.

After these conditions have been met, PTC is granted a 15-day deadline, from the date of the final determination of ANACOM on the present draft decision, to notify this Authority whether that company intends to implement the tariff proposed on 20 December 2006, and to indicate the planned date of commencement of application of that tariff. To ensure the certainty of the market operation, the activities of other operators not being made subject to alterations in the internal transactions between PTC's wholesale and retail areas, with implications at the level of strategic and commercial options, this date must be set at the most within three months from the referred final determination.

This determination is submitted to the prior hearing of interested parties, under articles 100 and 101 of the Code of Administrative Procedure, who are entitled to assess the issue in writing within 10 working days.


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