FTS quality of service parameters - questionnaire

The providers of services of access to the public telephone network at a fixed location/publicly available telephone service at a fixed location are required to send ANACOM  regular reports with information on the levels of quality recorded for a set of given parameters. This requirement is set by article 6 of Regulation no. 46/2005 of 14 July (Regulation on Quality of Service), while the applicable parameters are set out in the Appendix of the same regulation. These reports must be sent on a quarterly basis, by the last working day of the month following the end of quarter to which they refer, except in cases where other deadlines have been set.

The same providers are also required to send ANACOM information on the annual performance targets that each one proposes to set for the range of quality of service providers set out in the regulation. This is done annually, and must be submitted by the last working day of January. In the event that a provider decides, during the course of the year, to alter the performance targets for that year, it must update this information and inform ANACOM of such.

In order to facilitate the compilation and organisation of the information that needs to be sent to ANACOM, a questionnaire has been made available (whose completion is optional) that has been designed to help with the calculation and reporting of this information. Accordingly the providers may use this questionnaire, sending it within the stipulated periods, by post or by email to dee.stats@anacom.pt.

This questionnaire is not covered by Regulation no. 46/2005 of 14 July, but is merely a way of facilitating the process of calculating and reporting the information to which it refers. However it does not waive the need to fully consult the Regulation and its annexes, which set out the definition and calculation methodology with respect to each parameter.

Related information on ANACOM's website:

  • Annex https://www.anacom.pt/render.jsp?contentId=440844