Consultation on NFAP 2005/2006

The National Frequency Allocation Plan 2005/2006 (NFAP), approved by determination dated 29 November 2005, is now under consultation.

The NFAP 2005/2006 updates the version currently in force (NFAP 2004/2005), and contains the Frequency Allocation Table and publishes the spectrum uses and reservations for the year 2006, including the updated list of stations and networks exempt from licensing. It thus fulfils the provisions of article 9 of Decree-Law no. 151-A/2000 of 20 July. This list replaces the one contained in points 2 and 3 of the Notice on radio licences of 10 July 2003 (Diário da República, Series III, of 23 July 2003), which, with publication of the NFAP, will be modified regarding that matter.

The adoption and annual publication of this instrument derives from the Electronic Communications Law (Law no. 5/2004 of 10 February), under terms of which ANACOM is responsible, in the context of spectrum management, for planning frequencies as per the criteria for radio spectrum availability, the guarantee of effective competition in relevant markets and the effective and efficient use of frequencies, as well as for annually publishing the NFAP.

Given its significant market impact, this document is subject to the general consultation procedure, for which a period of 20 working days has been established, ending on 3 January 2006. Comments should be in writing and submitted, preferably by e-mail, to ANACOM at the address


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