The Regulatory Authority for the Media (ERC) created

Law no. 53/2005 was published on 8 November creating the ERC - Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (Regulatory Authority for the Media), and extinguishing the Alta Autoridade para a Comunicação Social - AACS (High Authority for the Mass Media).

This diploma approves the statutes of the new regulatory entity, which statute is that of a legal person governed by public law, and an independent administrative entity in nature, granting to it regulatory and supervisory powers. ERC's organic structure includes the regulatory council, the executive board, the advisory council and the single fiscal.

Although Law no. 43/98, of 6 August, has been revoked, AACS members will remain in service until the members of ERC's regulatory council and its single fiscal take up their duties and, after the entry into force of Law no. 53/2005, all legal and contractual references made to the former AACS are considered to be made to the new ERC.


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