UMIC publishes 2009 data on information society in Portugal

UMIC - Agência para a Sociedade do Conhecimento (Knowledge Society Agency, IP), on August 13, published its 2009 compiled data on the information society in Portugal.

This compilation by UMIC, which begun in late 2006, is a result of information obtained from various surveys put out mostly on an annual basis by public entities. This year were involved, in addition to UMIC, INE - Instituto Nacional de Estatística (National Institute of Statistics), ANACOM, GPEARI - Gabinete de Planeamento, Estratégia, Avaliação e Relações Internacionais do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (Planning Office, Strategy, Evaluation and International Relations of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education), and Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat).

The compilation for 2009 covers the following areas: electronic communications, population and information and communication technologies (ICT), e-government, education and ICT training, ICT in businesses, hospitals and in hotel establishments (over the last two areas, the data are for 2008, based on surveys that take place every two years).

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