Change of statutes of Galileo Joint Undertaking

/ Updated on 24.08.2010

On 29 June the Council of the European Union adopted a draft regulation changing the statutes of the Galileo Joint Undertaking, approved by Regulation (EC) no. 876/2002 the Council, of 21 May 2002.

This draft proposal regards the closure of the company Galileo, foreseen for 31 December 2006, and the transfer of its activities to the Supervisory Authority, created under the terms of Regulation (EC) no. 1321/2004 of the Council, of 12 July 2004. This Authority’s purpose is to assure the management of the public interests regarding the European satellite radio-navigation programmes, and to act as a regulatory authority for those programmes.

Further information:

  • Council Regulation
  • Galileo

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