Decision regarding the Television Signal Distribution and Broadcasting Service

By determination of 1 September 2005, the decision regarding the television signal distribution and broadcasting service was approved, pursuant to paragraph 3 of article 16 of the Bases of the Concession of the telecommunications public service (Decree-Law no. 31/2003 of 17 February).

Under this determination, it is incumbent upon PT Comunicações to lower the price of each of the individual items which form part the television signal distribution and broadcasting service, by at the least 17%, in order to guarantee that the price system of the service in question complies with the principle of cost orientation. This determination establishes likewise that the new prices shall take effect as from 1 August 2005.

This determination integrates the report of the prior hearing of interested parties on the corresponding draft decision, which was approved by determination of 6 July 2005.


See also: