Conclusions of the Council Meeting of Transport, Telecommunications and Energy

Another meeting of the Council of the European Union (EU) of Transport, Telecommunications and Energy was held on 8 and 9 June 2006. Several relevant measures for the electronic communications sector were adopted.

The main highlight goes to the debate on the challenges faced by the review of the electronic communications framework, based on a questionnaire prepared by the Presidency on this issue. The Council identified several issues that must be taken into consideration in this process: maintaining the principles guiding the 2002 regulatory framework; creating new rules concerning mainly the specific areas that need development, consumers' interests always bared in mind; flexibility in the allocation of radio spectrum and its efficient use; simplifying the process of notification of national regulatory authorities and the dispute-solving procedures; the fast implementation of the regulatory framework, which is seen as a prerequisite for its effectiveness.

Regarding the eGovernment Action Plan, the Council invited all Member States to undertake the necessary efforts to implement the objectives and actions outlined in this action plan and in the Commission's Communication ''i2010 eGovernment Action Plan: Accelerating eGovernment in Europe for the benefit of All''. Within this scope, it stressed the importance of actions such as the development of eGovernment services with common access by all European citizens; the promotion of best practices at this level and the implementation of electronic identification services for the secure access to electronic public services, based on international standards and in accordance with the legislation on data protection.

The Council also asks Member States to include the objectives of this action plan in the so-called national reform programmes, and all those participating in the development and implementation of the eGovernment action plan to cooperate and develop initiatives fostering the dissemination of good practices and of examples in this domain. On this issue, the Commission should report yearly to the Council on the developments of the action plan, in the framework of the annual report on the European Information Society, recommending changes to the established policy whenever necessary.

Lastly, the Council exchanged ideas about networks and information security, based on the presentation by the European Commission of the strategy for a secure information society, adopted on 31 May. The Council identified the priorities for the next years: confidence, by increasing the knowledge of consumers and businessmen, electronic identification, information security and protection, and also the development of cooperation, particularly regarding security standards that are common to EU Member States. Lastly, the Council stated its intention to approve a Resolution on network and information security.

Further information:

Related information on ANACOM's website:

  • The Council