Spectru - Registered trademark

The Portuguese Patent and Trademark Office (Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial – INPI) registered the name Spectru as a national trademark. Spectru is the name of the monthly newsletter published by Autoridade Nacional das Comunicações (ANACOM).

This national trademark property right includes Classes16 (Periodic publications - monthly informative Bulletin) and 41 (Edition and publication of monthly informative bulletin in electronic format). The duration of the register is of 10 years, indefinitely renewable for equal periods of time.

Under the terms of article 257 of the Industrial Property Code (Decree Law no. 36/03, of 5 March), the symbol ® will start to be used next to the Spectru designation, thus informing third parties that that name is a registered trademark and, therefore, a protected sign.

Related information on ANACOM's website: